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Friday, September 26, 2014

Should We Hope to Die at 75?

Contra Ezekiel Emanuel, age is no absolute barometer for human vitality and dignity.

Normally, no one would care that in a recentAtlantic essay — “Why I Hope to Die at 75” — 57-year-old Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel argued that living to be 75 years old was long enough for anyone. After 75, Emanuel suggests, “We are no longer remembered as vibrant and engaged but as feeble, ineffectual, even pathetic.”

But Emanuel is no garden-variety crackpot. Nor is he a wannabe science-fiction writer dreaming of a centrally planned planet of robust youthful humanoids. Unfortunately, he was one of the chief architects of the troubled Affordable Care Act and a key medical advisor to the Obama administration.

The ACA’s conservative critics have long knocked Obamacare as a first step toward medical rationing. Read Emanuel’s diatribe against living too long, and suddenly Sarah Palin’s attack on Obamacare’s “death panels” does not seem so far-fetched.



  1. Eugenics is real. He presents himself as a bioethicist, and he advocates ending the lives of old people. He also pushed through Obamacare.

  2. maybe 58 would be a better age to die for him.

  3. As long as this country is under the Domocrate leadership, you bet, can't wait to die!

  4. He not only pushed it through, he was the main architect of this evil plan. He is Rahm's brother. They are from and continue to live in Chicago. They are both creeps and arrogant not realizing they are clueless. Any friend of O and Hill is NOT a friend of mine.

    hmmmm. Bioethicist? He has not morals and certainly no ethics. period.

  5. He is the architect of Obamacare...look carefully--if you are under the age of 15 or over 55, then you are not worth CRAP to them...he calls it his "full life" theory...the majority of healthcare $$ will go to 15-55...

  6. To 419, 57 would suit me just fine. He's had a full life already, by my standards.

    Me? I really never want to be 95, but I'll let you know when I'm ready to go. Emanuel can just sit there and shut up.

    Oh, wait, he dies this year!



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