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Thursday, September 25, 2014

SFD Press Release On Chlorine Leak In Pittsville

The Pittsville VFD requested the SFD Hazmat Team to assist on a Chlorine Leak at the Town of Pittsville Water Department. The Hazmat Team donned level A Hazmat Suits, confirmed the active leak in the building, and mitigated the situation. The Wicomico County Decon Team assisted with decon of the SFD Hazmat Team members. IC requested the shelter in place of the Pittsville Elementary/Middle School and the neighborhood in a two block radius. Pittsville, Willards, Parsonsburg, Powellville, Gumboro, Delmar, Town of Pittsville, The Wicomico County Board of Education, and WEMA were operating on scene for the three hour time period

Keep clicking on a photo to view all photos.


  1. Does anyone know who the man is that is giving the interview to the reports? Denver Moore is standing to the left of him. Looks familar but not sure who he is.

  2. Station 3 Fruitland ambulance and Station 1 Salisbury fire engine is being dispatched to the Royal Farms store in Salisbury for a "head injury." The Salisbury Fire Department is still down 2 out of five ambulances. Very poor leadership on the part of the so called fire chief Rick Hoppes. In a real city he would have been fired over this fiasco a long time ago. The citizens and visitors of this area deserve much better. Your life is in danger in this city.

  3. His name is George Whited, Jr.

  4. 9:33 Thanks but that is the wrong picture. This is of an older gentleman with a lanyard around his neck with some type of badge. It is the next picture after the one you are talking about.

  5. I don't think it was necessary for the Salisbury Fire Department to send out a press release for the Pittsville Fire Departments call. The PFD should be sending out a Press Release only.

    This is nothing more than an effort to justify their wants for the City to pay for the 12 paid fireman that the free money gran ran out on. It isn't swaying my vote and I hope Joe doesn't fall for it.

    Rick Hoppes is a lame leader.

  6. I thought all water and sewer facilities that use chlorine gas for disinfection had to have SCBA equipment and cylinder repair/containment kits! Shouldn't have been the need for Salisbury hazmat crew to take charge as those kits are designed for exactly what happened.
    Where is MDE and MOSH inspectors now?

  7. I live on the east side of Salisbury. When I left the house at 7:15 my children actually said it smelled like bleach outside. Fumes travel a lot. Wow.

  8. So, is the water drinkable?

  9. no the water is not drinkable--check out some of tis blogs past stories and photos showing the rust colored water---Denver's answer is to buy Iron Out. I am sick of this answer. Pay back the stolen money, sell the Lion's Club, sell all the fu-fu decorations at town hall, cut the town councils health insurance, and fix the water and come and cut the drainage ditches. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH


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