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Friday, September 05, 2014

Salisbury Still Weighing Sports Complex Expansion

SALISBURY — A planned expansion of the Henry S. Parker Sports Complex is still under consideration by the Salisbury City Council with the condition that efforts be made to preserve local hiking and biking trails and to facilitate new trails on nearby city property.

Adding more playing fields to the Parker complex could lead to its development as a major sports and tournament destination, according to Wicomico County officials. The complex is already a popular spot for the United States Specialty Sports Association (USSSA) Fast Pitch Softball World Series in the summer months and other events and the goal is to keep adding baseball, soccer and lacrosse fields to attract more tournaments.

However, clearing out the space for new fields would mean encroaching on a long-standing network of existing trails, something which hikers and mountain bikers balked at. Several members of the bike community were in attendance during Tuesday’s council work session and they were eager to see some protection of trails.



  1. Build it now. We're talking about significant expansion of revenues and tourism to the area.

  2. Gary Mackes will spend the last dime Wicomico County has in the name of Sports!

  3. I fail to see the benefit to taxpayers for this expansion. There are other ballparks in the County, utilize them.

  4. The current sports complex is a money losing venue! A bigger complex means bigger losses.

  5. hey slick rick where's this money coming from? November can't come soon enough. hen Wico.Co. might stay afloat when Bobby takes over. Maybe Mackes will leave when the slickster gets the boot.

  6. take it out of mackes pay!


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