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Sunday, September 07, 2014


Ladies & Gentlemen, we are working on uploading all of the other videos, soon to follow. 


  1. Sorry, but I don't see any police brutality. Where the Hell is the Salisbury University Police? That Tunnel should be their jurisdiction and they should be patrolling that area when large crowds from the college are in the area.

  2. Hard to tell from the video because I am completely objective.That place was wild that night.Certainly will come down to witness testimony.

  3. Based on your lead up stories I was expecting much more than this, maybe there is more in the videos that are yet to be posted. Did they sound like di#@$? probably... but I don't see brutality in that video, I see a few cops that were talking hard to try and control a situation. Like any case I'll reserve judgement until I see everything.

  4. We are trying to put up a very large file from SU. That video will clearly show the police officer asking them to go home, they did. All of a sudden one officer starts running across the road and tackles one student from behind, as described in the SU letter we published earlier. Once he was taken down, (for no good reason) the other students started taking the video you see here from their cell phone.

    We're not sure if we'll be able to produce the video as it is really large. However, we might be able to provide a link for ALL videos. The first one is the important one.

  5. Why were the cops demanding they turn off their cameras.

  6. Cops are out of control everywhere in this country. I used to respect our police forces, but now, I fear them. Which is exactly what they want.

  7. "We're not sure if we'll be able to produce the video as it is really large"


  8. Cops are not out of control everywhere in this country... they have a job not many of us would want any part of so I support cops. I will agree that there are certainly cops that are out of line just like there are people in all job fields that abuse their authority. If the longer SU video shows the students leaving as they were told and then a cop runs across the street to tackle a student for no apparent reason (and apparent reason is an issue, I'm assuming that this tackled student is the one in the SU letter that says he did nothing wrong) then that cop needs to be suspended/fired. Did the cop provide a reason why the kid was tackled? Did the kid say or do something that wasn't seen on the video and that is why he was "cleared"? I have a daughter at SU so I'm interested in all the goings on around town and the campus (which is why I come to this site daily) If the cop tackled a kid for no reason after the students were leaving as instructed then he should be disciplined, but don't paint all cops with the brush of one or a couple bad ones

  9. I so wish that the cops wouldn't respond to any of these calls , let's see what happens. These students need to be led .
    Democracy has no place in the school or business. These people or us pay to learn , any obstruction of this will be penalized. Democracy stops here at the gate , you better learn this , first lesson. Rules and more rules.

  10. I guess you are running for office again , trying to get the student vote and the black vote , nice try.

  11. 3:58, You are exactly correct on all parts of your comment. The video we are struggling with absolutely shows the students were doing exactly what they were told to do.

    Now, some have stated that maybe they were cursing at the cops. SO WHAT! That is NOT a crime. I'm NOT saying they were but to the people who said that in other articles, that's not a crime. It is their 1st Amendment right to say such a thing.

    The entire crowd of students were following the order of the officer. That being said, aside from the brutality here, THERE SHOULD HAVE BEEN NO FORCE AT ALL. This is why the SU Board agreed.

    There should have been no tackling from behind. In one video the officer was screaming, GET BACK, GET BACK. You will see in that video the students backing up. The officer AGAIN starts screaming to get back and one student clearly says, how far, we are moving back. Then the officer jumps up and throws that guy to the ground and arrests him for ASKING. The third student continued to video the second arrest and the officer jumps up and throws him to the ground for videoing it. They did NOTHING wrong.

    Oh, trust me. This officer has quite the history of such behavior.


  13. The kops had better watch themselves. Use restraint.

    Or we will restrain you.

    You are not our masters and we will clearly demonstrate that to you if necessary.

  14. cops are out of control all across the country!

  15. So one time I called 911 for an emergency in my neighborhood and they acted as if it was no big deal. I also got stopped from a city police because my back break light was out and he acted as though I had commited a major crime! I think sometimes they use their power on the wrong people - why aren't they out there catching all the thugs instead of sending 20 plus police cars on a high speed chase today on Route 13. Sheriff, city police, unmarked vehicles all chasing some guy traveling up and down Route 13?

  16. WOW... I believe the best part of that video was after it took two officer to handcuff the individual they just left him and walked away leaving him face down. Now its been a while but I believe the first thing you are taught in the academy about handcuffing an individual is one NEVER leave them alone and two NEVER EVER leave them face down for longer then you have to...

  17. This case hasn't even been adjudicated so this will only hurt the defense. Joe your going to get sued by this cop fyi!!! And I can't wait to help him you scum bag!!!

  18. 4:09--
    Seems to me he's putting news out that the other outlets avoid, because they don't want the general public to know what type of things are happening in Salisbury. Don't know what your deal is, but I see no ulterior motive here in Joe posting this.

  19. I'm trying to figure out what you perceive the police are doing wrong. You have obviously never dealt with these disrespectful, drunken darlings of our university. They cause the disruption and when the officers arrive they want to act up as if they should be allowed to continue. They all claim to have parents who are lawyers and have a law degree themselves. You should do yourself a favor and learn a little more about what law enforcement is like in the streets of the real world. The average citizen gives no respect to our police officers.

  20. I have an idea let's get them some military vehicles so they can really kick the shit out of us.

  21. To those of you talking in general about drunk college students and how this group is no different... First of all, it is NOT against the law to go out and have drinks and WALK home. They were not disorderly and they were absolutely following the instructions given by the police.

    Once things got heated, (provoked by the police) they even asked, how far do you want us to move back.

    SPD should act a LOT more professional. The kids were moving along and clearly this/these officers were trying to make a name for themselves with upper brass.

    It says a LOT about how SPD will treat you IF you go out and SPEND MONEY in Salisbury. It says a LOT about taking the TROLLEY Downtown and what might happen after you've spent your money and enjoyed yourselves.

    They were NOT drinking and driving, breaking the law. They were moving along and the police, (in this case) were in the wrong.

  22. Looks to me like that cop has a 'Little Man' complex. Unless the rest of the force rid themselves of vermin like this, they will be painted with the same brush and should.

  23. I bet the cop has ISSUES with the college crowd?

  24. I call on all SU Students to participate in civil disobedience.

    The police do not own us.

    You treat us bad, we will give it right back at you. You better be careful what you ask for.


  25. This cop even looks like military with the ultra-short hair.. He's not a MSP.

    In my opinion his career here is likely over and will probably be security for the Movies at the Mall soon..

    People with God complexes never learn, quiet controlled actions are much better than being a hot-head... and they get you a lot more respect

    1. What does a short haircut have to do with anything i guess i am a general.

  26. This is the final nail in salisbury coffin. There will be nothing left of this town when this is all done. The leadership of this town has failed on all fronts and this is the biggest failure. The SPD should be ashamed of itself. There is no excuse for this. The law suits that will follow these videos will bankrupt the town......pretty sad........

  27. lmao Salisbury's finest NOT! gonna be a lot more of this! unfortunately they are really outnumbered.

  28. Police have a lose lose career. If they didn't show up the public would cry that the students are running wild. When they do the public says there harassing them. The police department should be like the fire department stay at headquarters till someone calls 911.

  29. Cops today all across America are getting away with murder, theft, rape, and other crimes. It reminds me so much of my old town in Germany in 1941.
    Soon it will be searches without warrants, beatings of innocent people, false arrests and charges, Tanks and armored vehicles on the streets, kicking in doors at 3 in the morning....
    Oh, that's right, this is already taking place here today, as it was 70 some years ago in NAZI Geramny!

  30. University Police do their job and really have strengthened their presence. The SU Administration is tough on code of conduct infractions. If the campus judicial review showed no reason for students to be sanctioned, then how is it that City police thought it important to mistreat and arrest 3, over-21 students who were WALKING back to campus? Is talking in loud voices now a crime?

  31. The City will be embarrassed by this incident. The police needs to stop it already. Leave people alone. We will let you know when we need your help.

    We want basic freedoms to walk down the street without being harassed and arrested.

    This is an outrage!

    It will go public in a big way

  32. Even IF they were cursing at the kops, it's legal. So is giving them the finger. Supreme court has ruled it is covered by the first amendment. Freedom of expression.

    Kops don't like it, but tough. That's why it is done to them, and the fact that they most often deserve it.

    A badge does NOT give anyone extra rights, nor does it give anyone authority to violate or restrict anyones rights.

    Can Salisbury afford a lawsuit, which I'm sure the students will win. Or does the Mayor know of a GRANT that covers it?

  33. I think I heard some pretty harsh language being hurled at the officers. Can't imagine why that might get them fired up.

  34. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I think I heard some pretty harsh language being hurled at the officers. Can't imagine why that might get them fired up.

    September 4, 2014 at 8:53 PM

    If harsh language gets a kop 'riled up', they should NOT be a kop or cop.

  35. 8:53 has very selective hearing. The cops were yelling, back the F up.

  36. Joe
    Thank you for exposing this incident.

  37. Yes they were. But you can also hear the person filming call the cops effin pigs.

  38. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  39. 10:25, SO WHAT! That is their 1st amendment right. BRING ON POLICE CAMERAS and watch these Officer stop this kind of crap FOREVER.

  40. 10:25 they sure did
    Pretty incendiary comments inserted into a volatile situation

  41. It may be our first amendment right to speak freely but that does not mean we can do so without consequence.

    Just because you CAN do something doesn't mean you SHOULD

  42. Joe we also have the right to bear arms. That doesn't mean you can go rob a bank because you have the right to carry a gun

  43. 11:04, They didn't have guns, so cut the BS.

  44. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    It may be our first amendment right to speak freely but that does not mean we can do so without consequence.

    Just because you CAN do something doesn't mean you SHOULD

    September 4, 2014 at 11:03 PM

    This isn't shouting FIRE in a crowded movie theater or threatening to kill anyone.

    Big difference there fella.

  45. I objectively viewed all videos. In the first video it appears that a police officer enters the crowd to affect an arrest. However, it is unknown what is said or what occurred prior to the police officer taking action. The person could have been disorderly or committed another crime. It is unclear from a traffic camera point of view. A disorderly situation can be anyone screaming or yelling loudly or otherwise behaving in a disorderly manner to the contrary of the public peace. Secondly, as we hear from the person filming "are you going to read me my rights?" or something to that effect, is also incorrect. A police officer is not required to read someone their Miranda rights unless it is a custodial interrogation. Only then is it required to avoid suppression of said questioning at a trial. Absent of that, the police have no requirement to read anyone their rights upon arrest. Such is a complete misunderstanding of Miranda and the functioning of our criminal justice system. Such is reserved for Hollywood dramas and action movies.
    Moreover, while filming the police may provide someone who is not committing a crime some protections, it is not an excuse to provoke, inflame, or commit a crime. Mind that someone filming the police can still commit a crime while filming, such as yelling and screaming or otherwise being disorderly (again a general statement not specific to this case in particular). Persons in the crowd can be heard yelling profanities loudly.
    There is such a thing as freedom of speech but as an American you do not have absolute freedom of speech. For instance you cannot incite a riot or breach the public peace. You do have the right to peaceably assemble with a permit, which is not the case here.
    At the point where the police officer was arresting the suspect you see members of the crowd start to walk inward. The police officers orders them to back up. One person does not comply and continues to be close to the police, thus resulting in his arrest. This is also a disorderly statue violation, failure to obey a lawful order of a police officer and obstructing and hindering a police officer. The police, being only one or two officers with a large group, have an absolute right to their safety and security. Those officers do not know if someone in the crowd will assault them or otherwise interfere with an arrest procedure. Yelling loudly, it itself, if witnessed or creating a public disturbance in and of itself is illegal. People seem to forget that especially when recording the police.
    Police officers have an absolute right to use the proper amount of force to affect an arrest. At no time did it appear that anyone was beaten, shot, or otherwise abused or mistreated. At this point I did not observe the police acting unlawfully or abusing any authority afforded to them under the law.
    On the heels of Ferguson, citizens think that because they record the police, it gives them the right to abuse the police and carry on however they see fit (speaking generally, not specific to this situation). It is the contrary. The tendency to think that police officers taking police actions is abusive is incorrect. In this instance, what we are to believe is that persons, minding their own business, walking down the street were attacked by the Salisbury City Police, is completely incorrect and inane. Allowing persons to yell and scream in the street is the definition of disorderly conduct. Failure of police to take action results in lawlessness. Lawlessness begets anarchy.
    As a society we hang on a dangerous precipice of managing civil liberties with complete lawlessness due to societies lack of understanding of laws and abuse of police authority. As a big believer of the constitution I firmly believe in our civil liberties. However, they have limitations.

    Evan Avnet
    Tactical American Security Consulting, LLC.

  46. Clearly there is more to this considering they already had the one student in cuffs..

  47. Anonymous said...
    So one time I called 911 for an emergency in my neighborhood and they acted as if it was no big deal. I also got stopped from a city police because my back break light was out and he acted as though I had commited a major crime! I think sometimes they use their power on the wrong people - why aren't they out there catching all the thugs instead of sending 20 plus police cars on a high speed chase today on Route 13. Sheriff, city police, unmarked vehicles all chasing some guy traveling up and down Route 13?

    September 4, 2014 at 4:49 PM

    Is that break light as in broken or brake light as in stopping?

    It's not your job to second guess why the cops send how many units to a call. When you become a LEO then maybe you can question how it's done.

  48. "It's not your job to second guess why the cops..."

    Actually, it is. They work for US.

  49. @12:37,

    USTASC? No wonder you saw no problem with the police behavior seeing as you guys area bunch of wanna be rent-a-cops!

  50. 10:06- Your talking out your ass.

    USTASC is a security com. and he is a Sheriffs Dept.

  51. Excellent work officer dealing with a disorderly crowd.

    1. the cop was way out of line and esculated the situation, his job is to de escalate.

  52. @10:54

    UTASC is an entire sheriffs department? Wow! It's a whole squad of rent-a-cops that sell services based on fear.

    (Even if he is a legitimate LEO it's no surprise that he can see no wrong with SPDs actions, bias and badge shielding at work.)

  53. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    "It's not your job to second guess why the cops..."

    Actually, it is. They work for US.

    September 5, 2014 at 8:04 AM


    1. Go get in a cops face and spew your ignorance. I'm not bailing you out.

  54. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    10:06- Your talking out your ass.

    USTASC is a security com. and he is a Sheriffs Dept.

    September 5, 2014 at 10:54 AM

    Nice attitude. Aren't all cops rent-a-cops?

  55. If you read the police report they said it was a group of around 20 people. I saw 2 "kops" (i'm sorry i don't know what that is). The police act the way they do because if the 20 people around that were drunk and walking home decided they wanted to attack the police officers then Salisbury would have 2 officers in the hospital.

    besides this video that doesn't show any wrong doing by the officer (except leaving the SU student they just arrested after they hand cuff him) where is the proof

    considering everyone that has commented was there and knows exactly what was going on I expected the type of comments that i've seen on here. over reaction to only some of the facts.

    If it comes out that the officer was wrong and abused his authority then he should be punished. But until then both the SU students and the arrested and the officer will get their day in court.

    1. bs the cops DIDN'T have to get into the situation all he had to do was step back and wait for back-up, thats 101 in the police exam and in the academy.

  56. Unfortunately we are not a security guard company. We are a security consulting company and firearms training company.

  57. Easy fix, body cameras.

  58. Where the SU Campus Police who have original jurisdiction? Why is it that SPD is NOT trying to clean up drug, prostitution, gang and gun troubles in the East Church Street area?

  59. Supreme Court says we can video police in public performing their duties, Officer!

  60. The Tunnel has it's own cameras...

    1st: There is no harm to either photo-graph or video a event; The Constitution protects that + it preserves evidence.

    2nd: On what grounds does a representative of the Obama Government have the right to place you under arrest, in restraints w/o due process: Statement of charges ect...

    3rd: There needs to be some Salisbury University Police dealing with their own kiddies, and not the local cops...

  61. Excellent work by police and this video clearly shows that.

  62. About three-fourths of the so-called "students" partying at SSU, in public, have not reached the legal age to consume alcohol--so technically, almost every freshman, soph, of junior who is drunk and rowdy in public could be arrested and charged with "underage consumption", and likely some could be charged with "public intoxication" or disturbing the peace. What they should be charged with is stupidity or bad judgment--to be so brazen as to drink illegally and flaunt it, making as$es of themselves in the process.
    Their overpriced degrees in basketweaving, womyn's studies, and "African lit", that take an average of five years of borrowed or publicly subsidized funding, will qualify them for the night shift at McDonald's or Walmart, but only if the speak fluent Mexican and can pass a drug screen

  63. Their overpriced degrees in basketweaving, womyn's studies, and "African lit", that take an average of five years of borrowed or publicly subsidized funding, will qualify them for the night shift at McDonald's or Walmart, but only if the speak fluent Mexican and can pass a drug screen

    September 7, 2014 at 6:29 PM

    another one with issues

    1. I'm making 110k graduating from SU. Thanks for the education!

  64. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I'm making 110k graduating from SU. Thanks for the education!

    September 8, 2014 at 5:35 AM

    That's all? You could make that much with a community college education and saved a ton of money. Ask a cop around here, that's where they all go.

  65. When you apply to be a PO, they give you psychological and intelligence testing. If you think too much or show leadership qualities, they don't want to hire you. PDs want dumb goons who do what they are told without thinking.

    And while officers have the right to be safe and go home, so does the public.

  66. First of all, Joe Albero, I commend you for telling the facts and acknowledging that we have a real problem in this town with our own POLICE FORCE ! I know this all happened quite a while ago, but i have something to add. I had a small fender bender near the south side of the campus in 2016. The Salisbury University Police told me to keep calm and quiet and that they were not going to get the Salisbury Police involved. This showed me that even the Salisbury University Police hate to get the Salisbury Police Department involved in anything because they are forceful, egotistical, and difficult to work with.
    Also,in 2018, I was on my way to school and cutting through a bad area of town because of traffic, when I was stopped by the Wicomico Sheriffs Department for again no reason. The cop said I didn't use my blinker; however, he pulled me over 9 blocks after the original violation was said to occur. Then, I was told to get out of the car. I got out and was standing in the road and tried to get out of the road by crossing the street when I was tackled from behind before I could touch the curb with one foot. After, being forcefully tackled for no reason, I was handcuffed and searched by k-9 enforcement. The two officers talked privately and, immediately after, planted drugs on me and charged me with possession of what they said was cocaine. they also charged me with false reports of resisting arrest, obstructing and hindering, fleeing and eluding, drug charges, and a traffic violation which was also false. All this went to court and was thrown out. ALL OF THIS WAS ON WBOC NEWS !!! I feel I should be compensated for everything I have gone through that day. I should also compensated for the further damage this made up bunch of lies and subsequent story on the news has brought to my name. I want the local public to start acknowledging that there is a real problem with both the Salisbury Police Department and the Wicomico Sheriffs Department. MANY OF THESE OFFICERS, IN BOTH DEPARTMENTS, ARE VIOLENT and FORCEFUL. Something has got to be done about it. this needs immediate acknowledgment. I am sure many other instances of police misconduct have happened and are not being reported or acknowledged. This has got to stop !!!!!!!!!!!!!


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