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Friday, September 26, 2014

Salisbury Eyes Alternative Energy Partnerships

SALISBURY — Clean and renewable energy got the spotlight this week as the Salisbury City Council heard pitches from both wind and solar providers for future partnerships.

The council plans to work with city administration to develop some defined goals and needs that can be translated into a Request for Proposals (RFP) that will be made available to energy providers.

First to share with the council was Pioneer Green Energy, an organization that specializes in wind projects. It’s currently working on The Great Bay Wind Energy Center in Somerset County, a “proposed 150-megawatt wind farm that will utilize the naturally occurring and inexhaustible coastal winds.”



  1. None of this works without tax credits - ie, corporate welfare.

    That being said, I can't wait for the day when each house has solar panels on the roof and a wind turbine as a hedge for those stormy days. Besides cheaper systems, we need better batteries or a centralized system at the utility to bank the excess daytime power at a more economical scale.

  2. The principals of Pioneer Green Energy are swindlers. Paul Harris and Adam Cohen have bought and lied their way through government officials in Somerset.
    Things are beginning to blow up in their face. Hopefully it will not be long before they are high tailing is off the shore, just like they did in NH, CA, and Alabama. Good Riddance!

  3. I can't wait to see how homeowners in Wicomico County react when they are faced with a 599 ft wind turbine, taller than the Washington Monument, 1000 feet from their property line! I suspect it won't be a love fest!


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