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Sunday, September 21, 2014

Redskins Star Was Wearing a Jesus-Themed T-Shirt Before His Press Conference — Notice Anything Different When He Actually Showed Up?

When Washington Redskins quarterback Robert Griffin III appeared at a press conference Sunday to discuss his dislocated left ankle, journalists and sports bloggers noticed something a bit odd.

Griffin, an outspoken Christian, had been wearing a bright blue shirt that read “Know Jesus Know Peace” in the locker room beforehand, but when he appeared on camera to speak with reporters, the bold, faith-based message was unreadable; the shirt had been turned inside out.

Washington Post sports blogger Dan Steinberg noticed the difference on Twitter, offering a side-by-side comparison:


  1. If you are ashamed of him , he will be ashamed of you when he comes.

  2. Taking Jesus out of the USA is one of the main problems. The government has taken prayer out of just about everything. When I grew up we had daily devotion is public schools, prayer in school, and said the pledge daily. Now it's like we upset those that are not American and can no longer do those things. What is wrong with the USA

  3. Taking Jesus out of everything is not "one of" the main problems, it is the main problem.

  4. i'm sure he was "made" to do that. i'll say this again, SCREW THE NFL!

  5. The NFL is a business. It is not a televangelism show. They are there for football, not to preach a particular religious perspective. Don't like them doing this? Don't watch.

    Why is it you Christians feel inclined to force your religion upon everyone else, and scream persecution at every corner where there is no such thing going on? You can hardly walk down any street in this country without bumping into a couple of Churches.

    NO one is taking Jesus or Prayer out of ANYTHING. You are just no longer allowed to FORCE your religion upon the populace.

    Last I checked 75% of the country self identifies as Christian. What happened to all of these people? Every single President and almost every Congressman/Senator through out all history are/were Christian.
    If your deity has been "taken out of anything" or been "persecuted" it has been at the hands of your leaders, CHRISTIAN leaders.

    Start THINKING for once instead of just PARROTING what you hear other people say.

  6. 11:48, want a cracker? I'm thinking you're the parrot. He's wearing a shirt with a message, not overtly proselytizing. The NFL in certainly in the business of promoting causes of which they approve. Or do you really think that women's cancer, gay rights, etc have anything to do with football? Of course not--they are agendas the league wishes to promote. Therefore, restriction of the message he displayed is an area they wish to restrict. Can you understand that? Funny that when the message is something with which we disagree it is being "forced" on us, (as you claim Christianity is) while you have no qualms about forcing other messages on the Christian community.
    And, if you can't distinguish between someone who professes to be a Christian and someone who actually seeks to live as one, then I imagine I am wasting my time.

  7. You who posted that the NFL is a "business" Get a grip!! Can't wait for judgement day for you idiot!

  8. @ 1:53

    SIGH. You only further prove the point, and sadly don't see the irony in it.

    The NFL is a business. They can tell their employee what they can and cannot promote OR wear that is in their businesses interests. If the employee doesn't like it they can quit, if you don't like it don't watch. It is THEIR BUSINESS decision what to promote or not to promote. The NFL is not FORCING anything on anyone.

    Ironically, it is you, the Christian, who wants to FORCE the NFL to cater to your world view, promote it through their business. To promote YOUR religious perspective through shaming and intimidation, and when they don't cave to your extortive tactics, you'll scream persecution.

    The irony of it all. You just can't see the forest for the trees can you?


    I don't believe in your sky daddy, so why would I be afraid of your imaginary judgement day?

    By the way, if that's the BEST way you can go about making your argument, the "you better believe or else"... that's makes for a fairly unconvincing argument, you may want to go back to the books and work on developing a better argument/strategy.

    Also, how very Christian of you to go around calling people idiots. Nicely done.

  9. Not true to his beliefs depends on who is interviewing him or what limelight he wants to show at different times. FAKE !!!!!

  10. The NFL wanted to keep Rice and get rid of Jesus.

  11. @5:35 AMEN!
    @11:48 But it's okay for everyone else to push their ideas? IE: gays & lesbians? I feel very sorry for you. Judgment day is coming!

  12. @10:59

    How very condescending of you to feel sorry for me. How very Christian of you.

    Please to tell me how it is you know that it is coming? Hasn't it been coming "soon" for like, well over 2,000 years? Sounds like a bit like that kid who cried wolf.

    Besides, there is no substantial evidence to believe your fairy tale myths, so there is no need to fret judgement day.

    Ever heard the expression "extraordinary claims requires extraordinary evidence?". I don't even require "extraordinary" evidence that your claims are true. I just need "evidence", regular good old everyday milk toast evidence... to which, no one has ever provided a drop of.

    So, until that is provided, your day of judgement will be neatly filed away with all of the other myths of old in the fiction section.

  13. 2:39
    Stop trying to quote from the bible. A book you seem to not believe in to begin with. They were probably taught not to lie. Sometimes the truth hurts.

  14. "Also, how very Christian of you to go around calling people idiots. Nicely done."

    Well, I'm NOT a Christian, 2:39. But you are certainly an idiot. Many people are finally coming around to the fact that the NFL is primarily a bunch of over-paid thugs. Any deviation from that perception should be encouraged - not censored. Christian dogma is fairly benign. I think your objections are more personal than rational. Have you been a naughty alter-boy?


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