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Saturday, September 20, 2014

Rand Paul: Obama Sounds Like 'There Is No Rule of Law'

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) slammed President Barack Obama for not seeking congressional authorization to take military action against ISIS, and argued that the president’s declaration that he must act unilaterally “sounds really like something out of the bizarre third world where there is no rule of law” on Wednesday’s broadcast of “Hannity” on the Fox News Channel.

“This is the president who now says ‘if Congress won't act, I must. I must act with or without authority because Congress won't act.’ That sounds really like something out of the bizarre third world where there is no rule of law. He's done it on Obamacare. He's done it on immigration. Now he's doing it on war powers. So, he is a reckless president who is acting in a lawless way. We can try through the court system, but ultimately the courts often say that you just have to un-elect him, that you have to do it through a political recourse,” Paul stated.


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