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Tuesday, September 02, 2014

Rand Paul: Hillary's 'War Hawk' Policies Led to Benghazi Attack, Rise of ISIS

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) certainly has a knack for boldness. On Sunday's Meet the Press, he dubbed U.S. military engagement in Libya “Hillary’s war” and stated the rise of the Islamic State (ISIS) is not a result of President Obama's inaction in the Middle East but the unintended consequence of the U.S. military engagement in Libya.

The comments predictably caused heads in the GOP's foreign policy establishment to explode. The Washington Post's Jennifer Rubin called the rhetorical gambit “ludicrous” and said Paul holds the same views as his father, the libertarian former-Rep. Ron Paul. In an email to me, John Yoo, the former top Justice Department official in the Bush administration, said Paul is the Republicans' “own version of George McGovern.”


  1. But idiots will vote for her. Banging his head against the door....

  2. Nobody said anything about banging anybody against a door.

    You guys

  3. I support Rand in an effort to stop the establishment Republicans who do all of us harm.

  4. But what matter does it make....


  5. Rand is ..... Right!


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