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Tuesday, September 09, 2014

Precious Parker Fights White People Moving into Building at Gunpoint

Isn’t that just precious?

Precious Parker, 30, and Sabrina James, 23, knocked on the door of an apartment building on Ocean Ave. near Newkirk Ave. in Flatbush at 9:30 p.m. on Thursday and held a 34-year-old man, a 37-year-old man, and a 25-year-old woman at gunpoint demanding they move out or be killed, police said.

The source added the trio may have been targeted because of their race, as one of the women said she didn’t like “that white people were moving into the area,” the police source said.

The women then stole $800, an iPhone and personal information from the tenants, police said.

Precious Parker, 30, allegedly forced the three roommates who lived in the Flatbush apartment to the floor at gunpoint on Sept. 4, and after robbing them said, “If you call the police or management company, I’ll pick five people of​f​ each of your phones and kill them and if you’re not out of here in 24 hours, five guys will come back and kill you all,” according to court papers.

“There was a dispute over who was supposed to be renting that apartment,” Parker defense attorney Danielle Korotzer said at the Brooklyn criminal court arraignment.

“My client did not believe the complainants should be in the apartment.”

I assume Holder will be down shortly to protect her civil rights.


  1. I'm sure the gun the perp used was legally registered in NYC. Oh wait, aren't guns banned in NYC?

  2. Bet Al Sharpton & Jesse Jackson don't jump into this one, being the racists they are, oops wrong race.

  3. Yet another reason to arm yourself either legally or not. Just arm yourself and carry.

  4. It's time to take action.

  5. I'm sure this will be reported in great length on the evening news.

  6. Females can be thugs too...and she's probably fugly too!

  7. It's time to go back to segregation.


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