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Monday, September 01, 2014

Only 28 Percent of ALS Ice Bucket Donations Used For Research

The "ice bucket challenge" to raise support for ALS research has gone viral in recent weeks, drawing celebrities, everyday people and even cartoon character Homer Simpson. But critics are now saying only a fraction of the money raised is actually going toward research.

The ALS Association was founded in 1985 to find a cure for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, also known as "Lou Gehrig’s Disease." So far, almost $100 million has been raised through the ice bucket challenge.

But critics point to a pie chart on the ALS Association's own website that breaks down how it spends the money it receives. According to the chart, 28 percent is spent on research.



  1. Just like the ole "United Way" scam.

  2. Yep this is why i am never a useful idiot for charity fundraisers.since 90% of them have simluair funding structures..who profits?...charity begins at home then church the salvation army...have you ever asked your self why the American Cancer Society has not yet cured cancer... they have been raising money since I was a child... billions and billions later why would they want to cure cancer....could it be big pharma prefers us as addicts to one of their products then dead or cured...

  3. OMG...if they cured cancer PRMC would have to shut down a whole building and fire a mess of people who pump poison into cancer victims.

  4. Every true Satanist does the ice bucket ritual.Do this and you have been baptized in the name of Satan.Check it out if you don't believe it.No wonder it's taking the nation by storm.

  5. All charities with the exception of the Salvation Army are a scam.
    Look at the stats.
    United Way is one of the worse. A lot of companies force their employees to donate , if not they face discharge .
    That's why Md is still considered an " AT will employment state".
    You can fire anyone for any reason or for no reason, except for race or age.

  6. Um...you may want to read this:


    Plus Snopes already debunked the 28% only going to research.

  7. Funny I mentioned this two weeks ago when the ice bucket challenge was just getting going. Its public info how bad this charity if you can call it that. Look at the salaries of the upper management.....


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