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Tuesday, September 09, 2014

Obama’s Untruth, Inc.

Let us count the ways: bald lies, lies of omission, mythography, amnesia, redaction . . .

We can usefully view the Obama administration’s chronic untruthfulness as a sort of multifaceted corporation of untruth, with all sorts of subsidiaries.


Remember the al-Qaeda-is-on-the-run 2012-election talking point? It was mostly a lie. The administration deliberately released to sympathetic journalists only those documents from the so-called Osama bin Laden trove that revealed worry and dissension among the terrorists. Then it nourished essays by pet journalists trumpeting the decline of al-Qaeda. Disturbing memos that confounded that narrative, as Weekly Standard journalist Steven F. Hayes recently noted, were kept back. “On the run” was dropped after the 2012 election, when events on the ground made such an assertion absurd.



  1. Gross in competence or outright treason either way this guy is a big loser...

  2. He's been a liar from the get go. Question? Why are his college records still sealed? Is there not a freedom of information law in this country? The records are sealed because he received taxpayers aid for being a foreign student from Kenya.

  3. better invest in tin foil hats... its going to be evident pretty soon why he was selected...his handlers are the real problem and whats in store for freedom at the hands of these satan worshippers that worries me.. yeah something's going on and this clown is an useful idiot...it becomes more apparent everyday...i believe ..this is the times where the eagle departs from power in a bibilical perspective

  4. Why do you dislike this president , look at the things he has accomplished.
    He's given you a health care system , he's given you gun control , he's given you equal rights and racial equality.
    The stock exchange is at it's highest in history.
    He's in the Middle East when needed , what more do you want?

  5. Manchurian Candidate got elected.

  6. 7:10 your being sarcastic right?


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