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Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Obama's rating as a 'strong leader' hits a new low among Americans as a majority now support airstrikes in Syria to destroy ISIS, finds poll

New polling numbers paint a dismal picture of the Obama presidency as the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) gains influence in the Middle East and threatens to mount an attack on the U.S. homeland.

Just 42 per cent of Americans now see the president as a 'strong leader,' according to an ABC News/Washington Post poll released Tuesday - despite bullish talk from the White House that Obama will be able to carry out his strategy against ISIS without asking Congress.

Even as the U.S. leader languished in the new poll - consistent with seven others asking Americans to rate the president's performance.



  1. When Obama took office he had no idea how many military experts there were in this country.Judging from blogs and surveys we number in the millions.

  2. Who are these 42% idiots. Must all be mexicans or blacks.

  3. 42% of the people are asleep...

  4. Future ISIS air strikes by drones will soon be here at home, as porous as our Mexican border is. They are here already, and recruiting at the Mosques.Go sign up!

  5. Hitler had the right idea just the wrong religion.


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