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Thursday, September 25, 2014

Obama makes light of New York traffic chaos he causes by saying 'it's actually pretty smooth for me'

President Barack Obama joked today during a New York speech that he doesn't seem to have the traffic problems the city's residents are always complaining about.

'It's actually pretty smooth for me during the week,' Obama said, after playfully arguing that everyone in New York 'hypes' the traffic.

'I don't know what the problem is,' he told attendees of the Clinton Global Initiative's annual meeting. 'I haven't noticed.'



  1. He's a pos that only cares about himself

  2. Make that thug take the Train

  3. It's actually kinda funny.

  4. The problem is that he hasn't actually noticed anything anywhere. Like the economy, the state of foreign and domestic affairs, terrorism, gas prices, national debt, and on and on. This guy just doesn't care. I can here him in a cabinet meeting saying -I have a tee time, gotta go. Later yo.

  5. If he was a true Climate Change believer he'd be using a non-fossil fuel ride. He could actually ride that big arse he has in charge of the food police. Giddy up!

  6. Yeah, he can joke because he's never had it so good with all his and his wifes'inlaws living on the fat of the land on the taxpayers dime. If the fluke of him becoming President hadn't happened he'd had the ass of his britches out by now and his wife probably would be working for Perdue instead of raising chickens at the White House. I don't understand how the electorate could be so STUPID twice in a row. Great MAN my a*&^%$ss. What a gaggle of dopes Democrats are.

  7. This joker really is an ass. I wonder if he realizes just how much he is despised.


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