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Thursday, September 04, 2014

Obama is Personally Responsible for the Rise of the “Islamic State” says Mitt Romney

Mitt Romney is throwing rocks at the White House again – this time saying that Obama is responsible for the rise of the “Islamic State”.

From the article:

As more and more Americans realize what a colossal failure President Barack Obama is, they are regretting not voting for Mitt Romney in 2012. In fact, if a rematch were held today, Romney would win handily.

Romney was right about what would happen if we pulled out of Iraq too soon, as we can clearly see today with the rise of the Islamic State

He hasn’t been shy about reminding people of this either, calling Obama’s foreign policy “embarrassing“, and saying that Obama is the perfect example of “failed leadership“.



  1. Of course O' is responsible. This was his intended result. The US will be next.

  2. This is the whole US's fault for invading Iraq and demonstrating to the world how awful we can be. Did nothing but make us more hated and proved our enemies that then we right.

  3. I agree with 11:59. We never should have been in Iraq. Except for hunting Osama Bin Laden we never belonged in the Middle East at all.

  4. Anonymous said...
    I agree with 11:59. We never should have been in Iraq. Except for hunting Osama Bin Laden we never belonged in the Middle East at all.

    September 4, 2014 at 12:36 PM

    You must be a uninformed Democrat and someone who knows absolutely nothing about foreign policy. Hope you have a big D tattooed on your forehead when we go to Civil War.

  5. 12:41 Hope you have a big I tattooed on your forehead for idiot.

  6. STop enlisting in the military

    It is a trick


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