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Thursday, September 25, 2014

Obama Forbids FBI to Use Religion in Identifying Terror Threats, as ISIS Recruits Openly in U.S. Mosques

AT had a chance to catch up with Steven Emerson, head of The Investigative Project on Terrorism, and hear his assessment of the ISIS threat here on American soil. Emerson runs the country’s top data center on Islamic terror groups in the United States, working like a man possessed, and accomplishing the work of thousands on sheer guts and determination to protect our country.

Wherever the bad guys have been caught and prosecuted successfully, you will find Emerson working quietly behind the scenes as an invaluable ally of the FBI and Homeland Security. Because he accepts no money from the government, Emerson has been free of the diktats of the Obama administration that have forbidden the FBI to train their sights on Muslim terrorists. (That means The Investigative Project needs your help to continue its work.)

In the words of U.S. Representative Pete Hoekstra, Ranking Member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence:

The Investigative Project on Terrorism is critical to our nation's security. There is no other non-governmental group that has better intelligence or data on the threat to the United States and our allies. Making do with a bare bones budget, the IPT is a national treasure whose influence and achievements are unparalleled.



  1. They should use every method available - including religion and profiling.....

    If a mexican had accomplished 9/11 - we should profile them just as easily.....

    Timothy McVey had a profile......

  2. you are an idiot plain and simple...

    they want us to get attacked or to make civil unrest or an outbreak of some kind...

    they want to enslave us for good and they are not far off of doing so, and you people are too stupid to see that everything these politicians are doing is engineered... I hope they come for you first, but sadly they won't, they will go after the people who are trying to fight for you, who actually care about themselves and this country and their country men...

    I mean fucking seriously why the fuck do you think all of this crap is happening? huh why? for money? they can print money so they have all the money they need, as again i ask what is this all for?

    Why would cops need tanks and military gear? why would theys trip the military down? why would you leave the borders open? why would you racial profile except for muslims and mexicans? why are they wanting to go to war all the time? why are they helping terrorist bc they want to help take out who we don't like, yet we help terrorist who fight anyone anywhere? why is the politicians claiming they have first hand knowledge we will be attacked again>? why does obama and the rest race bait and on;y go help black people and not whites? why do you think there is racial divide? why do you think the politicians steal our money and say they want to help us when infact proof shows the exact opposite? and why is it you ARE TO FUCKING stupid to see what politicians tell you, you want to hear but is a lie and they won't follow through with it unless it is to hurt someone and they mean it when they say it?

    why can we be taxed to death while the politicians vote themselves raises every year while you lose your jobs and hours? why are they forcing you to buy something even if you don't want or need it or can afford it? why are they pushing homeless out of cities or looking them up even though the govt made them homeless? why can banks foreclose on you and take your stuff and you have to fight o get it back when they went to the wrong house? why is it that cops can kill unarmed people, or swat team a house and not announce themselves and if you defend yourself you get shot or go to jail? and why is it that cops can swat you and they be at the wrong house on the wrong neighborhood in the wrong city and not go to jail for murder or even manslaughter? why is it you have corrupt cops investigating cops who are corrupt and are let go after a paid vacation? why can inflation go up and the cost of living go up but your pay doesn't? why do you have to pay a death tax and a rain tax? how come these people plot and conspire and lie to courts and judges and panels and politicians and never go to jail but if you don't show your papers to a cop when he asks you can be shot or tased or beat? and nothing happen? why do we give money to countries who hate us? why do we help other countries when our own country needs help? you all fuck nuts never think of those now do ya? nope...


    1. Blazing sadles.......raraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

  3. 3:08 Now tell us how you really feel! However, most of what you say is true. We can start a turn around by voting liberal Democrats out of office epically on the local level.

  4. Wow 3:08; you should consider no caffeine for awhile. Seriously, you need some anger management.

  5. Thats bc hr wants us to get hit and that he is a Muslims Sympathizer.

  6. Sorry, folks, 308 has hit the mark, and there are probably twenty more he missed. Thank you for a very inclusive assessment of what is really going on in this country with complacent idiots happily visiting Disney World and voting for the Democrats and socialist "Republicans".

    In answer to your question, 308, yes, they are too fucking stupid to put all this together.

  7. 3:08 is spot on. Must have gone to school when I did-back in the day when they taught us to think critically, examine the evidence and come to the only logical conclusion. There is no doubt that anarchy and martial law is what the government wants. They have stirred the pot of racism as hard as they can, but they can't quite get that to work (yet). They will eventually make it happen by whatever means (or opportunity) nescessary.

  8. Obama is a Muslim, his choice of Muslim sect is the Muslim Brotherhood. He tried to prop up the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt with our money but that didn't go so well. OBOZO has consistently made decisions to promote and protect his Muslim brothers, this newest decision is no surprise, only to the brain dead liberals that believe the MSM propaganda that keep the sheeple asleep. I pray this country will not be destroyed before this nightmare is ended.


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