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Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Obama administration confirms American ISIS fighters have returned and 'the FBI is looking at them' after terror army calls for attacks on the US

A senior Obama administration official told reporters on Monday that American citizens who have fought alongside the ISIS terror army have managed to come back into the country and are under active surveillance by the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

The stunning revelation came ten days after a Democratic New York congressman spilled the beans with a public but little-noticed claim that there were 40 such 'foreign fighter' jihadis back on U.S. soil.

In a gathering with selected journalists, the administration official acknowledged that it's true.

The National Counterterrorism Center's latest determination, the official said, 'includes those who've gone, those who've tried to go, some who've come back and are under active – the FBI is looking at them.'



  1. This so called observation or surveillance is it similar to how well Obama handled the release of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi - The leader of ISIS - The very same terrorist we held in prison that Obama ordered released.

  2. I wonder if the treasonous eric HOLDER will prosecute? ??

  3. 10:56, Holder is proud of ISIS they hate the USA as much as he does.


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