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Sunday, September 28, 2014

Missing Teen In Salisbury UPDATE

CANCEL MISSING PERSON 15 year old Akylah Hunter, was located this morning. No suspicious circumstances involved.


  1. Hope she is found soon, safe and sound. Prayers for her and her family.

  2. Joe- can you keep this at the top until she's found please? Regardless of whether she's gone by choice or not, she's 15 years old! That should matter to every caring person in this area!

  3. Might be a good question of the day, Joe. I think 15 year old, whether a runaway or something suspicious, needs caring adults to be aware and be ready to help. Sometimes what seemed like a good idea at the time can end very badly. Teens do not yet have the knowledge and skills to negotiate some of the manipulative, predator adults they may encounter.

  4. "Anonymous said...
    I don't agree. If there are not suspicious circumstances, these don't need to be shown.

    September 29, 2014 at 8:26 AM"

    I disagree that these don't need to be shown. If she is a runaway and that's not good, this will maybe show her, that people do care about her wellbeing besides her family. She is a complete stranger to me, but I would fell horrible if something bad were to happen to her.

    1. I'm sure the kid saw herself on sbynews and realized she was loved.

  5. I'm glad she was located and is home safe with her family!! I'm also glad that they did post her picture because it's possible that you might see her. This blog is great about getting urgent information to the public. God knows WBOC will only mention it during their news broadcast.


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