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Monday, September 01, 2014

Militant Atheist Group Threatening To Sue School After Players Pray For Injured Teammate

The whiny atheists are at it again. The anti-Christian Freedom From Religion Foundation is pretending to be offended by a one-time occurrence of some teenage football players praying for their injured teammate.
According to Fox News,

The FFRF told the school district to “refrain from having a ‘volunteer team chaplain’ at Seminole High School.

The school district said the prayer was instigated by students and denied that a chaplain prayed with the team. School spokesman Mike Blasewitz told that the school doesn’t even have a team chaplain, contrary to the FFRF’s allegations.

If the FFRF goes ahead with a lawsuit against the school, they need to be called out as bullies. If they’re allowed to get away with it, they’ll succeed in attaching a stigma to Christianity as a bad thing, and eventually even things like mentioning a Bible verse or the name of God will be prohibited – with the exception of swearing, of course.



  1. They should not even be allowed to file this lawsuit. If anyone doesn't like the way we do things in this country, they have the right to...LEAVE. And don't let the door hit you on the way out!!!


    We all have the right to be religious or not.

    There are many things our citizens do or may not do, but for those who do is not appropriate in public.

    Example, most people have sex, some do not. Does it mean that we should be allowed to just have sex out in public whenever we get the notion?

    Picking your nose or wedgie

    an so on

    We are no longer a "christian" nation. Those days are long, long gone. I would just advise the Christians to just get over and keep their praying to their self. Why does it always have to be a big show? Why does everything always have to stop so you all can pray. Can you just pray to god in your head without bothering everyone else who does not believe in god, or your god for other religions?

  3. Tell that to the Muslims during their prayer as they line the streets on their rugs

  4. @3:33

    The premiss of your statement wrong because there is no state religion christian or otherwise in the Unites States. Amendment I of the Constitution of the United States prohibits that.

    However Amendment I of the Constitution of the United States protects "the free exercise thereof" and can not be repealed through the non existing force of political correctness.

    It is and has always been my belief that the folks that are offended by the actions of others are the ones that have the problem not the ones doing the alleged offending.

    Sand Box John

  5. 3:33PM Take your political correctness and wipe your a$$ with it. America is tired of you minorities forcing PC issues down our throat and we're about taking our country back from the likes of you.., by force if necessary.

  6. We were founded in the basis of freedom of religion. If you do not like the praying than don't read or listen to it. Just like I tell my children to ignore it. I bet those people that have a problem with it have nothing better to do but cause trouble. Get over and close your ears and get saved.

  7. I agree 8:00 but it's going to have to start soon. The longer we wait the harder it will be to dislodge the morons.

  8. I am an atheist who agrees that the objection to people praying is idiotic. They did no harm to anyone and that is all that matters.

  9. There are a few things wrong here, most of them right at the start of the article.

    First, no such thing as a militant atheist. This would imply some sort of "militarization" of a group of atheists... boots, weapons, violent force, etc and that is not the case. The term is used as a strawman, to discredit atheists. It is disengenuine and dishonest. Last time I checked, lying was a sin.

    The Freedom from Religion Foundation is not Anti-Christian. They are for the protection of everyone's liberties, and support the Constitution. They seek to ensure that Religion does not FORCE itself upon everyone. They are not ANTI-Muslim/Christian/Hindu/Scientologist/Bhuddist/ETC/ETC... they are Pro-Liberty. They are anti-tyranny, and anti-oppression.

    Also, since when was standing up for the Constitution, your rights, and liberty defined as being "whiney"? Since when was standing against tyranny and oppression "whiney"? Christians have enjoyed a healthy priveledge in this country for a long time... and when they are finally checked on their wrong doings, they are the ones screaming persecution... I'm not sure who the one who sounds whiney is here? Cause there sure are A LOT a bent out of shape Christians who are super upset they can't force everyone else to walk lock step with them anymore.

  10. 1:41, I refer you to Sand Box John's comment, and stand behind his comment 100%! I can't make sense of your drivel, as it mentions the Constitution, but no line or verse to substantiate your claims.

    In other words, you're just plain wrong.

  11. @ 7:39 pm

    Did you even read what 1:41 wrote? It is correcting the CLEARLY and INHERENTLY wrong & deceitful assertions from the article. The entire post is dripping with substantiation, correcting false assertions.

    You claim the post contains only drivel, yet YOU sir do not substantiate WHY it is drivel. Pot and kettle black, I suppose.

    So in other words, you're just plain wrong... unless you can provide why what 1:41 posted is untrue? Can you falsify what is said? I bet you won't.


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