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Sunday, September 07, 2014

Meet the Woman Who Wants to Reduce The Male Population by 90% “For Peace”


  1. Does that mean we can destroy 90% of women in the name of intelligence?

  2. I hate to say it,but that would work.Us guys are nothing but a bunch of warmongers.

  3. Has this gal been to a psyc eval?

  4. 10:09, That would be up to Sheriff Lewis.

  5. This won't work. They will die fighting over the few of us that are left.

  6. I am not sure the point of the video and why you posted it?

  7. This is no different than saying that the world would be better without blacks or jews or muslims or catholics etc. But because it is a woman making the statement it is somehow okay.

    Its a sexist ideology that fails to take into account the #1 solution to our problem is and always has been to get along, share resources and work together to improve everyones position in the world not just a single demographic. But people just can't seem to allow that to happen. Why?

  8. With beautiful women chasing black men and same sex marriage a white man doesn't have a chance in this world.

  9. Are they saying they could control 10%of us I don't think so unless we are forced to take ADHD meds.

  10. All these stupid guys making comments like all the women will be fighting over them is ridiculous. They don't have a chance.

    Ask any young woman if them have ever had sex with another woman and most will say yes. They can do without men if they want because they have sex with each other. Why do you think most porn movies always have two women doing very kinky things to each other. Most don't want men, that is why divorce rates are so high.

  11. For all you feminist out there, if you eliminate 90% of us guys, you will have to be "drop dead beautiful" to get a date. Or, you could be bi-sexual and have twice the chance of getting a date.

  12. You idiots can't change a light bulb, and you are going to take over? You can have it.

  13. Once a month things could get violent.

  14. Feminism is destroying our culture

  15. Even Orwell would have been astounded at the fact that she even made this video, much less got some traction with it.

  16. Well, it would stop the domestic violence from the men that slap the crap out of women for saying such stupid stuff.

  17. Orwell was so confident that his future world depiction was spot on that he never even used his real name.

  18. Anon 1:01 - You are totally right. As a woman who has been experiencing that lovely monthly visit for 38 years now, I could easily hurt someone during that time.

  19. She's got to be a lesbian , if so , then I can see her point , it's at the top of her head.

  20. She is an idiot and makes the rest of us gals look bad.
    12:48 why do you insult the rest of us because of this twit? Really?
    Maybe your momma needs to slap you! God made men and women all with their own set of talents. I know women who are awful cooks (me) and men that cannot change a tire (my brother in law). Stop making yourself look as dumb as she does for her comments!

  21. Orwell had inside information. He was a member of the blue lodge.

  22. what the hell is the blue lodge?

  23. Its where they keep the secrets

  24. She's a blonde! We've never actually listened to blondes before...besides..she is hot.

    On a more serious note, I suppose that is what legal abortion is suppose to do...?

  25. To address September 4, 2014 at 11:18 AM. Do you not understand the point of sex between a man and a woman? I take it your parents never gave you the birds and the bees talk. Your sorry self wouldn't exist if it weren't for a woman having sex with a man. So please don't be an idiot, women need men and men need women.
    Also, please don't claim that 'most' women would say yes to having 'sex' with another woman. That act is vile and repulsive. Please have a little more dignity for yourself.

    Divorce isn't so high because of men. It's so high because of the lack of moral standards in today's society and the fact that people aren't taught that marriage isn't a cake walk, it requires a little work. Marriage is an amazing thing, but our society has bred quitters and reinforced an easy out.


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