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Friday, September 19, 2014

Man Calls Cops To Report Vandals At His Home, They Show Up And Kill Him

47-year-old Daniel Martin Jr. of Lawton Oklahoma was shot and killed by police in March after he called 911 to report vandals outside of his house.

The police responsible for the murder have been cleared of any wrong-doing by an internal investigation, and the death has been ruled “justified”.

When Mr. Martin spoke with the 911 dispatcher he warned them that he had a gun, and that he would be carrying it just in case the vandals were to break into his home.

However, somewhere this message got lost in translation, because when Martin opened his front door for the police, someone shouted “gun,” and Lawton police officers Elijah Garcia and Anthony Edwards fired multiple rounds, News Oklahoma reported.

Recordings later obtained of the exchange between the dispatcher and the police show that the police were warned that the victim would have a gun.



  1. Never call police. Just handle it.
    They are useless, most are just stupid and obsessively paranoid.

    If citizens did what they do when they show up it would be illegal. We really do not need them to maintain law and order. Clearly they are not capable.

  2. Yet another example of cops showing up and making the situation worse.

  3. Never answer the door with a gun in your hand when its the police. Duh....

  4. Cops are terrible about making judgements. They know they have carte blanche to kill Americans and so they will usually shoot first and never bother to ask questions.

    Never call the cops

  5. You cops sicken me. And, I've got just one thing to say about this latest cop murdering an innocent citizen.
    Every time, I mean EVERY GD time you cops show up at someone's home you should EXPECT to see a gun! We have a constitutional right to own and bear arms, and a god given right of self preservation, PERIOD! So, your BS about someone with a gun in a house is a contrived lie that you corrupt and traitorous POS have tried to cram down America's throat.., well it ain't going down mine, pal. This is nothing short of one more unjustified killing by a derelict cop. And, I for one, am GD sick and tired of it.

  6. Thank you ginn, I couldn't have said it better myself.

  7. And, I for one, am GD sick and tired of it.

    September 19, 2014 at 4:17 PM

    OH, there is way more than one. You are not alone.

  8. Cops don't prevent crime any more. When they walked a neighborhood beat they were effective. Now they just show up post facto and try to vent their own pent up issues. A lot of these guys are former military and treat citizens like the enemies they faced in the middle east. Know a few personally.


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