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Thursday, September 25, 2014

Kerry: Climate Change More Serious Threat Than Terrorism, Poverty, WMD

(CNSNews.com) -- During his opening remarks at the NYC Climate Week event on Monday, a summit coinciding with the United Nations General Assembly in New York City, Secretary of State John Kerry called climate change the “most serious challenge we face on the planet,” claiming the threat beats out other international concerns such as terrorism, poverty and weapons of mass destruction. He spoke just hours before the U.S. bombed Syria.

“And when you think about terrorism, which we think about a lot today; poverty, which is linked obviously to the levels of terror that we see in the world today; and, of course, proliferation of weapons of mass destruction – all of these are challenges that don’t know any borders,” Kerry told government leaders and representatives from around the world.



  1. Food for thought.. Who is most incompetent, Kerry or Ob'???

  2. What an idiot. To say that climate change is more dangerous than being beheaded. How in the Hell do these people ever get elected? Oh that's right, their Democrats.

  3. Of course taxing and ludicrous regulating you is more important than terrorism, poverty, and death to them.


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