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Thursday, September 25, 2014

Insane Newpaper: Climate Change Will Make Alaska Like Florida

If you can believe it, this hyper alarmist bat guano insane article is not at Salon, Climate Progress, Grist, or any others

(NY Times) Forget most of California and the Southwest (drought, wildfires). Ditto for much of the East Coast and Southeast (heat waves, hurricanes, rising sea levels). Washington, D.C., for example, may well be a flood zone by 2100, according to an estimate released last week.

Instead, consider Anchorage. Or even, perhaps, Detroit.

“If you do not like it hot and do not want to be hit by a hurricane, the options of where to go are very limited,” said Camilo Mora, a geography professor at the University of Hawaii and lead author of a paper published in Nature last year predicting that unprecedented high temperatures will become the norm worldwide by 2047.

“The best place really is Alaska,” he added. “Alaska is going to be the next Florida by the end of the century.”

I’d usually insert a face palm gif here, but, wait, here’s the tweet from the NY Times



  1. Do they know that it snowed in summer in the top midnorth region

  2. I guess I should start buying some cheap land up there to leave to my grandchildren and great grandchildren.

  3. so it's no longer global warming, now it's climate change! How about we just call it what it's always been.....WEATHER!

  4. Funny how Josh Hastings claims he is not a Democrat, but he spoke on Climate Change and this event was sponsored by the Democrat Club of Kent County.

    Josh Hastings to speak on climate change

    Posted: Monday, September 23, 2013 12:00 am | Updated: 11:46 am, Fri Oct 4, 2013.

    Josh Hastings to speak on climate change

    CHESTERTOWN — In conjunction with a series of speakers focusing on environmental issues facing the Eastern Shore, Josh Hastings of the Eastern Shore Land Conservancy will be the featured speaker at 9:30 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 28, in the second floor meeting room of Town Hall. He will speak on “Planning for Resilience and Prosperity in the Face of Climate Change.”
    A native of the Eastern Shore, Hastings brings a unique perspective to his presentation — that of a local resident and a student of public policy. As ESLC policy manager, Hastings is involved in monitoring land use issues at the local, state and federal level.

    The public is invited to attend and participate in this discussion sponsored by the Democratic Club of Kent County.


  5. What's so bad about making Alaska like Florida? We could make good use of all the land currently wasted.


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