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Tuesday, September 16, 2014

'I won't be here forever... please don't break this family apart'

Emotional Cameron issues final plea to Scots to save the United Kingdom from a permanent 'painful divorce'

David Cameron last night begged Scots not to rip the United Kingdom apart in a 'painful divorce', as he bluntly told his enemies he would not be Prime Minister forever.

He appeared teary-eyed as he issued his most emotional plea yet to voters ahead of Thursday's historic referendum: 'Please don't break this family apart.'

Making his tenth and final visit to Scotland ahead of polling day, the Prime Minister's voice cracked as he told an audience in Aberdeen how preserving the Union is 'the best hope for your family in this world'.

Mr Cameron's desperate plea came after an opinion suggested a majority of voters in Scotland, and across the UK, think that since agreeing to Alex Salmond's demand for a yes/no vote, Mr Cameron has handled the campaign 'badly'.



  1. F england they are being overun by radical muslums,

    Freeeeeeeeeeedom for Scotland.

  2. Like the Eastern Shore, The Scots are ignored by the British. There issues and problems are ignored. They pay their taxes, but little goes for their benefit. Maryland government does the same to us.


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