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Wednesday, September 03, 2014

Hope And Anxiety Over Medical Marijuana

Chloe Isaac of Westminster takes a pharmacopeia of medication every day. There's the liquid Xanax, and the Valium twice per diem. There's the three kinds of anticonvulsants and liquid Ativan for when she has a particularly bad day. She must get her blood tested once a week to insure the risky blend of drugs is not damaging her liver, her kidneys or causing her to go blind.

Chloe is 23 months old.

According to her mother, Courtney Moser, Chloe suffers from Aicardi syndrome, a rare disorder that hijacks her nervous system with seizures as often as 200 times a day, even while she is sleeping. Moser and Chloe's father, Kevin Isaac, spoke with the Carroll County Times in March about how they hoped to access a medication that had reduced the number of seizures in other children with similar disorder and reduced their dependency on addictive medications: medical marijuana

At that time, however, the push for a legal medical marijuana system in Maryland seemed to have stalled. Maryland's first medical marijuana law had been passed in 2013, but it restricted the program to academic medical centers, such as Johns Hopkins.



  1. I b glag when it's legal how many people have died on marry jane how many people died on alcohol ??? We need this it would stop wasting taxs payers money on petty crime

  2. And big pharma will do all it can to stop it since it digs into their profits of the useless drugs they peddle..side effects a mile long..increase in suicides..


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