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Saturday, September 20, 2014

Here’s How to Force Police Accountability in Your City

Minneapolis – In almost every city across the US, tax dollars are used to cover the damages and settlements from lawsuits filed against their police departments due to officer misconduct. Taxpayers in essence pay out massive amounts in damages for officers not doing their job properly. Additionally, the cost is compounded because taxpayers are forced to continue paying the salaries of these criminal cops.

City officials don’t have the guts to hold officers accountable for their actions. So a new approach is necessary to hold rogue officers responsible for their conduct.

Just like doctors have to carry malpractice insurance, police officers should be required to carry professional liability insurance as a condition of employment.

How this can be achieved is through an amendment to the city charter itself.

In Minneapolis, this process is already taking shape due to the efforts of Communities United Against Police Brutality and the Committee for Professional Policing.

Over the past seven years, taxpayers in Minneapolis have paid out over $20 million dollars to settle cases stemming from police brutality. In just 2011, $4.7 million taxpayer dollars went to cover the costs of officer misconduct. Many other cities across the US have faced similar losses with seemingly no recourse.



  1. Only in America would anyone win a settlement against the police.Clearly liberal America.Every single lawsuit filed against police in the last 2 years was filed by a Democrat.Check it out.

  2. 9:49 ignorance at its finest.
    About time the masses stand up against a corrupt LE agency.
    Its long overdue.
    Maybe if they abided to the law, they would not have anything to worry about.

  3. How about citizen accountability? It goes both ways ffs.

  4. If this becomes a National trend then tax payers need to be prepared to pay Law Enforcement officers like professionals such as Doctors and Lawyers. Ave annual salary over 150,000.00 a year. Keep that in mind when one day you dial 911 and no one answers the phone.

  5. 11:13 In OC and other places some officers already make that much. Also 911 phone calls aren't answered by police.

  6. Dear 11:18 , You are as dumb as a brick , everyone knows police don't answer 911. Also you are a liar concerning the salary.

  7. Blogger Ronald Tilghman said...
    If this becomes a National trend then tax payers need to be prepared to pay Law Enforcement officers like professionals such as Doctors and Lawyers. Ave annual salary over 150,000.00 a year. Keep that in mind when one day you dial 911 and no one answers the phone.

    September 20, 2014 at 11:13 AM

    you are out of your mind. they are already over paid for what they do. hide behind bushes and write traffic tickets. if you call them you run the risk of being assaulted, killed, your pet killed.

    look at the money we could SAVE if we didn't have them and the lawsuits we have to settle all over this nation.

    they are nothing more than road pirates. the mob has their collectors and enforcers, police are the state's collectors and enforcers. Only difference is the legality.


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