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Monday, September 22, 2014

Gubenatorial Candidate Urges Motorists to Vote For Question One

This November, in addition to voting for candidates for the state legislate and for governor, voters will have the opportunity to vote on a ballot question to create an amendment to the state constitution which would limit the legislature's ability to divert money from the Transportation Trust Fund.

Question 1 will be worded on ballots as follows:

Limits the use of Transportation Trust Funds to the payment of principal and interest on transportation bonds and for constructing and maintaining an adequate highway system or any other transportation-related purpose. Also prohibits the transfer of Transportation Trust Funds into the General Fund or a special fund of the State, except for: (1) an allocation or use of highway user revenues for local governments or (2) a transfer of funds to the Maryland Transportation Authority or the Maryland Transportation Authority Fund. Transportation Trust Funds may be used for non-transportation related purposes or transferred to the general fund or a special fund only if the Governor declares a fiscal emergency and the General Assembly approves legislation, by a three fifths vote of both houses, concurring with the use or transfer of the funds.

While the proposed amendment may be imperfect, since it is still possible for funds to be diverted from the Transportation Trust Fund by a 3/4 vote of the legislature and still allows gas taxes and tolls to be used on "any other transportation-related purpose" besides just roads, this still represents a significant strengthening of the protection of transportation funds and is better than the current situation. There is currently a very low bar for the legislature to tap transportation funds to address budget shortfalls in other areas and requiring a 3/5 vote in both houses is a step in the right direction. The Maryland Drivers Alliance believes motorists should vote for Question 1.


  1. The language of the amendment has no teeth.

    ". . . or any other transportation-related purpose."

    If the tires of my automobile can't ride on it, it should not be paid for with the motor fuel taxes, tolls or user fees I pay.

    Sand Box John

  2. If funds can be diverted by a "3/4 vote" now (75%), how does a "2/3 vote" (66%) represent a strengthening?

  3. I'm not sure, 1:36. But democrats have enough votes to over-ride that easily.

  4. This bill is gobbledegook. It's a fake band aid that allows the same crap to keep on going under the guise of "Change".

    Where have we heard that word before?


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