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Monday, September 22, 2014

‘F*** the Police’: Communists, Radicals Spotted Throughout Climate March in New York City Demanding ‘Revolution, Nothing Less’

Tens-of-thousands of demonstrators took to the streets of New York City Sunday to demand political leaders take action on climate change.

While the protest remained peaceful, much of the “People’s Climate March” appeared to be made up of fringe elements of the political left.

Dozens of signs denouncing capitalism were spotted at the demonstration, often held by self-proclaimed socialists.

“Capitalism is destroying the planet,” a sticker on one woman’s shirt read, “We need revolution, nothing less.”



  1. It is MONOPOLY Capitalism that is the problem.

    The uber-rich refuse to compete with each other. They continue to form monopolies in all industries. There is no competition to bring prices down.

    Prices never come down now. They only go UP.

    It is the monopolies which are hurting America. The government once protected the citizens from monopoly capitalism. Now the politicians have been bought by the monopolists!

  2. Global Warming is a HOAX used to justify an increase in taxation.

  3. We need to get the govt to stop the geo-engineering for sure.

  4. even though I don't agree... is'nt this country great? Got no problem with their first amendment rights..as long as those libtards dont intrude on mine

  5. In any parade there are dissidents who try to take over the purpose for their own gain..

  6. 4:56 is right look at walmart and whats it done...hell even kmart cant compete

  7. Liberals want America to go down and promote every policy to do so because they feel since the Indians,slaves,jihadists we have caused the world's problems.

  8. 4:56 that is the most ILLOGICAL wad of crap I've ever seen written. You have no clue and are so brainwashed you actually advocate for the Communists without even knowing it.
    Of course Communists don't like Capitalism as it will defeat them every time, ALL the time.
    Communists advocate for fossil fuel elimination here in a Capitalist country, but they watch Russia,China, Venezuela, etc PUMP oil, frack natural gas without a peep.... Hmmm.


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