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Monday, September 22, 2014


A Mexican ecologist has blown the whistle on the corruption, lies and incompetence of the wind industry - and on the massive environmental damage it causes in the name of saving the planet.

Patricia Mora, a research professor in coastal ecology and fisheries science at the National Institute of Technology in Mexico, has been studying the impact of wind turbines in the Tehuantepec Isthmus in southern Mexico, an environmentally sensitive region which has the highest concentration of wind farms in Latin America.

The turbines, she says in an interview with Truthout, have had a disastrous effect on local flora and fauna.

When a project is installed, the first step is to "dismantle" the area, a process through which all surrounding vegetation is eliminated. This means the destruction of plants and sessilities - organisms that do not have stems or supporting mechanisms - and the slow displacement over time of reptiles, mammals, birds, amphibians, insects, arachnids, fungi, etc. Generally we perceive the macro scale only, that is to say, the large animals, without considering the small and even microscopic organisms...

....After the construction is finalized, the indirect impact continues in the sense that ecosystems are altered and fragmented. As a result, there is a larger probability of their disappearance, due to changes in the climate and the use of soil.



  1. That is what happens when the government throws money to an industry that regulates itself.
    Sad that so many people are suffering living in the footprint of wind. Let's stop Pioneer Green before we suffer the same fate.

  2. I just read that a Duke energy wind project was fined $1 million for illegally killing raptors and the government turned around and awarded the same project $110 million in grants.

  3. So exactly how do you produce electricity without destroying local flora and fauna? And Mexico is corrupt big news there! The noise issue is just BS. Anyone concerned should take a short drive to Lewes and listen. That is if you can hear the turbine over the Lewes dairy coolers. Wind Turbine syndrome is a disease caused by lawyers. This has been proven by numerous reputable studies.

  4. 12:54 Cite some studies or go home.

  5. Don't tell this article to the climate change marchers in NY this weekend,they will attack you!

  6. have at it Somerset County. duh...

  7. 12:54
    Have you listened to them?
    You must be on drugs or deaf

  8. If wind and solar were efficient sources of energy they would not need government subsidies but would instead be paying taxes on the profits.

  9. 4:51PM
    The reason 'big oil/big business' is allowing this folly is because they know what you know, it ain't gonna work to any measurable extent.
    If the gov't were truly intent on environmentally sound and sustainable energy production they'd be funding research into Lattice Assisted Nuclear Reactions 'cold fusion' as it's known in layman's terms. There truly is something going on there but, as per the norm our DOE has squashed it and covered it. Or, they'd fund grants for some of the other promising innovative energy projects that many 'backyard tinkers' have displayed as workable but need financial help to scale up. The truth is, until corrupt 'big business' can put a meter on something it ain't gonna happen. And, sustainable cheap energy is a pipe dream.

  10. Mexico is corrupt....who would've guessed? If we want to talk about unethical behavior in the Great Bay Project people should be talking about the leader of the opposition, who recently made a statement stating she was going to use zoning to ban Pioneer from the area, who is also sitting on the zoning committee. After that comment does anyone honestly believe she can make an unbiased and impartial decision?

  11. @4:51

    Every energy business is using tax credits and many are using subsidies (although Pioneer is not). If you really want to boycott every form of energy production that is accepting subsidies and/or tax credits than my only advice for you would be to go live off the grid. Otherwise every time you flick the switch you are buying energy produced by someone using tax credits and quite possibly subsidies.

  12. I wonder how much James Mathias is getting for selling us down the river.


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