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Tuesday, September 02, 2014

Dems believe climate change more dangerous than ISIS beheadings

Democrats believe global warming poses a bigger threat to the United States than Islamic State terrorists, a new Pew Research Center poll revealed.

Just 25 percent of Republicans polled called climate change a major threat to Americans, while 68 percent of Democrats agreed with the statement, according to the Pew Research Center.

When asked about Islamic State terrorists, 65 percent of Democrats were worried about the group – fewer than those concerned about global warming. Meanwhile, 78 percent of Republicans called the Islamic State the No. 1 threat to the U.S. – a 13-point partisan difference.


  1. this is because they're easily deceived and led...too bad.

  2. What I'm reading here is that Democrats what to save the world for a bunch of murderous infidels who are going to behead them when they take over the nation. This is typical and even more dangerous then I first imagined.
    Get rid of all Democrats starting this November.


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