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Thursday, September 04, 2014

Cost Of Educating New Class Of Illegal Immigrant Minors Estimated At Over $760M

A new report puts the price of educating the thousands of illegal immigrant children who recently crossed into the U.S. at a whopping $761 million this school year -- as some school systems push for the feds to pick up the tab.

The estimate comes from the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), which issued a report on the 37,000 “unaccompanied minors” – who mainly are from Central America – after analyzing data from the Department of Health and Human Services and education funding formulas in all 50 states.

The numbers underscore the concerns critics have raised for months about the burden the surge is putting on local school systems and governments.



  1. We can't even educate our own properly...look at the awful graduation rates in some areas...and how the unions are trying to shut down the high performing charter schools...disgraceful.

    1. 761 million, and that's just to educate. How about house, feed, clothe and fund every other part of their little ILLEGAL immigrant lives? How much for those people that take care of the lil' chillen, they get money too? All on the backs of those that get up and go to work every day in the United States many at poor paying jobs. Not a political lawmaker in the group earns a living at work, they suck as hard as they can from the ever running trough of taxpayer FREE dollars, every day they continue to make laws against America. Hamper her, bring her down, take away the very rights our forefathers fought and died for. And look at the group that is the mouthpiece to the work, always running about how big and bad they are, all while they are safely protected and other young Americans die for their b.s.. I despise the majority of politicians in America. They are traitors to our freedoms and our country. How many of these kids forced upon us to pay for everything in their lives do you want to pay for? How many do you want to send back home? Remember, mom and dear old daddy are on their way and you're gonna be saddled with their debts as well.

  2. Thank your local libtard.

  3. Does this include the grey haired unaccompanied minors who came across with the under aged minors?

  4. Don't worry we can simply borrower the money from China, until our economy collapses.


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