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Friday, September 12, 2014

Cops Take Down High School Girl Who Wanted To Keep Phone

Two Houston, Texas school district police officers pinned a 15-year-old girl face down on the floor on Tuesday because she didn’t want to relinquish her cell phone to an assistant principal.

The girl, sophomore Ixel Perez, weighs 70 pounds, according to her brother. She attends Sam Houston High School.

In a video of the incident, one of the cops who tackled the girl can be seen ramming his knee into the side of her head, reports local CBS affiliate KHOU.

The incident happened after the teacher in Perez’s reading class busted her using a cell phone in class.



  1. Rules are rules , she is there to learn , if she doesn't like it go elsewhere.
    If it takes cops , so be it . I don't care if she weighs 20 lbs. , she could be carrying a weapon.

  2. 5:16 it was a well known fact that she was UNARMED and carrying a cell phone. It is also a fact that she was communicating with her sick mother.

    So in your mind.. the "if's" justify the excessive force? Really?

    I guess, if you then get stopped for a traffic infraction an anal probe is in order, because by your logic, you could be carrying a weapon. Enjoy.

  3. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Rules are rules , she is there to learn , if she doesn't like it go elsewhere.
    If it takes cops , so be it . I don't care if she weighs 20 lbs. , she could be carrying a weapon.

    September 12, 2014 at 5:16 PM

    said the sheep...


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