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Wednesday, September 10, 2014

CDC Scientist Admits Mercury in Vaccines Cause Autism


  1. The human body wasn't meant to have mercury and anything else other than pure food put into it. By pure food I mean meats from animals not fed or injected with chemicals and feeding on a diet of mostly grass. Fruits and vegetables not genetically altered and sprayed w/chemicals.
    Unfortunately our food supply is compromised and there is a necessity to take certain drugs and vaccines. It's a catch 22 situation.

  2. the government always lies.

  3. For those interested, additional information on this subject from Forbes, Feb 2014 at:


    In addition, Autism Speaks has released significant information finding credible links to autism and the use of various pesticides for agricultural use. Information can be found at:



  4. Thanks Paladin for the links.
    I'm convinced not all is good with the herbicides and pesticides used on farm fields.
    I have pet waterfowl and one in particular seems to suffer from neurological problems (similar to Parkinson's) immediately following application of chemicals on our rented out fields. They do forage nearby the field so could be ingesting residue.
    She's recovered both times so far and I can't say for certain the cause, but it's suspicious that it has only happened right after spraying has occurred.

  5. And this explains why Autism rates continued to increase AFTER thimerisol was REMOVED from most vaccines years ago.
    Another load of crap!

  6. 12:23
    It is NOT removed. Maybe you have bad information. Ask you doctor. It is used as a preservative for the vaccines.

    If you accept vaccines then you deserve what you get. Sorry but that is just stupid.

    Just say no.

  7. With Regard to the use of Thimerosal, Thimerosal has been removed from or reduced to trace amounts in all vaccines routinely recommended for children 6 years of age and younger, with the exception of inactivated influenza vaccine (see Table 1). A preservative-free version of the inactivated influenza vaccine (contains trace amounts of Thimerosal) is available in limited supply at this time for use in infants, children and pregnant women. Some vaccines such as Td, which is indicated for older children (≥ 7 years of age) and adults, are also now available in formulations that are free of Thimerosal or contain only trace amounts. Vaccines with trace amounts of Thimerosal contain 1 microgram or less of mercury per dos.

    more information at http://www.fda.gov/BiologicsBloodVaccines/SafetyAvailability/VaccineSafety/UCM096228

    In short, it Thimerosal has been either outright eliminated or is in such small amounts that its effect is negligible.

    I have confirmed this with Ann Gibbons or Autism Speaks recently. More information at the Autism Speaks website - see http://www.autismspeaks.org/science/policy-statements/information-about-vaccines-and-autism




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