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Thursday, September 04, 2014

Can Tiny Houses Solve Homelessness in Portland?

The city of Portland, OR recently announced it is seeking to provide tiny houses to convince people currently residing in Portland’s “tent cities” to relocate to the permanent structures.

According to Time.com:

An estimated 2,000 of its residents (are) sleeping under bridges, on streets and in empty lots in a variety of makeshift shelters, (so) the city of Portland, Oregon is on a quest to provide more safe housing for those without a permanent address.

The city launched a task force that is set to meet September 4th to assess the viability of using tiny homes as a potential for housing houseless people, says Josh Alpert, Director of Strategic Initiatives for Mayor Charlie Hales. Alpert hopes the first batch of homes will be ready for occupancy by late February 2015.



  1. I for one have lived in a room on several occasions.This is no different.Looks like a really good idea.

  2. Personally, I'd rather see them in a little house than under the bridges, out in the woods or wherever either freezing or sweating to death. I think this is a wonderful idea. Aren't there enough builders in this town that could donate some time and supplies to do the same? Oh that's right, this is Salisbury.

  3. how about a one way ticket to the country of their choice?

  4. Nice Kayak in the back. Did it come with the house.

  5. You mean a state sponsored shanty town? I am sure they won't fall into immediate disarray. Or the fact that there will be strict rules for living there and many homeless people have a hard time dealing with rules and adapting to society in the first place. I say give it a go and see what happens. Just don't make the houses for homeless Americans smaller than the houses you will be giving to the illegal aliens. That would not be fair would it?

  6. I see no reason, say $500 a year tax, couldn't be added to all property owners tax bills to help these poor homeless people get these lovely small homes.

  7. Shanty towns? America is turning into a third world country for sure!

  8. Who pays the electric bill how about heat, water, sewer, garbage clllection not to mention food and of course beer,whiskey and drugs? Where the hell would these things be parked,if in a trailer park that costs a lot of money.I sure hope our politicans aren't stupid enough to fall for this crazy idea.Asfar as I'm conserned let them sleep under bridges and in the woods,if they had the least bit of gumption they wouldn't be homeless.You bleeding hearts out there just don't seem to get it! In other words F--- em!


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