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Monday, September 01, 2014

California Teacher Keeps Job After Threatening to Stab and Shoot Students

Krisa Hodges, a teacher at Newark Memorial High School, not only exhibited disdain and hatred towards her students in her Twitter feed, which was brought to the attention of the school principal by a colleague, she also threatened to inflict physical harm upon them.Mercury News captured some of this teacher’ tweets prior to her account being deleted.

In one other tweet that Mrs. Hodges sent out that did not get screen captured, she said why she desperately needed Starbucks while referring to her students as a**holes. She tweeted, ““I am getting Starbucks for sure before school tomorrow. That way I’ll be refreshed AND have something to dump on the little a-holes.”

After an investigation, Hodges received a written reprimand, a disciplinary action that angered some parents who viewed it as not severe enough.



  1. A very good teacher maybe? So good that they let this slide,or a desperate lack of teachers in that area?

  2. I've heard much of this in jest between colegues but to put it on Twitter, she must be an idiot. She should be fired. It makes the rest of us look bad.

  3. Get over it people , these kids need to be in a jail , from 3 years old to 23 years old.
    The teachers are not parents. Knock the hell out of them.

  4. She should be fired indefinitely


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