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Sunday, September 21, 2014


It never ceases to amaze me just how crooked our local politicians can be. 

Take Rick Pollitt, for example. 

At this time, Wicomico County wants to purchase TWO parcels of land on East Rt. 50 and West Rt. 50. WHY? Because they want to open TWO Beer, Wine and Liquor stores to compete with those individual small businesses struggling to survive in this economy. What better recession proof business to get into than the beer, wine and liquor business. Next they'll be opening their own Cigarette Discount Stores.

No different from the Civic Center competing with businesses like the Fountains and Adams Ribs and so forth. 

YOUR tax dollars are setting up extremely profitable businesses that compete against individuals who fork up millions of dollars. How can you compete as a single investor when the County can put up 100,000 investors? 

Down the road, EVERYTHING will be Government Owned and run. Let me ask you this, are YOU seeing ANY relief on your tax bill every year while the County competes and shuts down places like Chef Fred's, Mr. Paul's Legacy, Zia's and so forth? 

No, instead you keep getting TAX INCREASES every single year because these non business background politicians keep screwing you. 

November cannot come soon enough. WHY haven't you seen this in the Main Stream media? Well, why don't you call them and ask. I say it's because they work to support the government and NOT WE THE PEOPLE. Keep paying for that subscription, fools. 


  1. Hey Joe, do you know where on West 50 they are planning this operation?
    Will it be in town or out of the town of Salisbury?

  2. Corruption corruption corruption.

  3. These guys are nuts.

  4. Joe this is why I read your blog every day I know i can get the news here first.

  5. Anything run by gov't idiots will consistently lose money. Look at the postal service. Wicomico co. is getting desperate ain't they. I'm sure everyone involved in this new "business" will have a county car and credit card. Come on november.

  6. They will use our tax dollars to buy and build it and the people they employ will be their friends of family. We are left footing the bill for all of. Including the pensions!

  7. I know the land behind the Royal Farms Hebron has been up for sale for development. I wonder if this is the land they are talking about? If so, my house will be worthless when I go to sell it. Don't want to live near the problems with will be associated with a liquor store like crime and drunks in general.

  8. More taxable property being removed from our tax base, so everybody who cannot avoid the taxes will pay more..

  9. Most importantly - where is the money coming from to buy the property in the first place?!

    If they've got that kind of money laying around - finish the Naylor Mill extension!

    November cometh - not soon enough!

  10. They did a massive tree cutting of most of trees in the woods around the Westwood development off of Naylor Mill Rd. I wonder if this was related to this?

  11. Maybe the county needs to spend that money loaning it to the city of Salisbury so they can repair the horrible roads and streets! I'm tired of driving thru the city streets in the condition they are in....it's an embarrassment to Salisbury but somebody doesn't understand that yet! But that's okay...I'll be out of here soon!

  12. 10:38 AM if anybody knew, including it would have been posted on here before now

  13. Wonder who will profit most from this sale..???

  14. Can you say kick backs from Whoever's friend gets the LAND AND BUILDING CONSTRUCTION. ...?

  15. I'm still not convinced that the liquor dispensaries return that much revenue back to the county after expenses. Create liquor licenses based on population of the county and put them up for auction the way Florida does it. Its one of the reasons I buy in Delaware.

  16. This is breaking news!

  17. Wicomico county should do away with drunk driving laws. Arrest and fine sober drivers.

  18. They definitely are not listening to us. We protested the tax increase, I even contacted my local county council official to let them know my displeasure for a tax increase in a severe recession. Now they have raised our taxes, and are wasting it on this BS!!!!!! Don't we have enough beer and liquor stores already? If I even decide to buy this, I go to Delaware because of the 10 percent tax on this stuff. They are definitely not looking out for the taxpayers of this county! Can't wait for the next county council meeting!

  19. Where the hell have you people been? Liquor sales have always been controlled by the county,its not like a new policy or something.

  20. It's not the beer and wine... it's a booze sales! County will not let private business sell booze, so they're expanding.

  21. This is a Pollitt plan -- not the council majority and certainly not Bob Culver.

    Please vote accordingly for County Exec.

  22. It is my understanding they are looking at 3 sites. Near the Royal Farms westside, Near Walston Switch Rd or the old McDonalds bld near the bridge.

  23. Hamel should sell them his crappy old bld off Church St.

  24. anon 12;53
    What you seem to forget is that Pollitt has the council majority in his pocket they will do anything he wants. Bob Culver and Joe Hollaway are the only two that will stand up to him.

  25. The same crap is going on all over Maryland. In Easton where the economy has stalled and there is an extremely high level of commercial vacancy, the Eastern Shore Land Conservancy bought the old McCords Laundry Building. They have raised $5 million dollars, a million of which the State is chipping in, to renovate it to office space for environmental groups. Now they are tax exempt and if people are willing to donate to the $6 million dollars, give them $1 million dollars of taxpayer money and give the $1 million annually they are going to show us how to be sustainable! A dead possum could be sustainable if they were given $10 million dollars!
    In Chestertown the town bought a marina promising numerous new jobs. Nothing panned out, now they are working on pouring more taxpayer money into the poorly planned project to keep it alive. When is it going to stop!

  26. Wicomico County is turning into a joke, from Salisbury to Fruitland to Pittsville to Delmar everywhere's has gov. problems. We need people in government that going to work for the taxpayor not for what they can gain. I own my home and I wish I could pack up and move to Delaware. Tired of hearing the cops always needing more money,the money spend at government admin. and BOE for food and etc. Give me break. November for change.

  27. We heard a corner commercial parcel on eastbound RT 50 in the Town of Willards is up for consideration. This would place a new store very close to the Worcester County line. Maybe a great location?

  28. Yup. That's why wicomico county charged people 7 bucks for entry into pork in the park and then charged each vender. Great way to make money on the front end and on the back end while dramatically reducing attendance to kill small local businesses trying to survive. And it doesn't cost the county anything. It's a free park!

  29. Another -- just the latest -- good reason to support and elect Bob Culver.

  30. You can count on it's a back scratching operation.

  31. According to Rick Pollitt's 9/11 facebook post, you're not allow to criticize government on 9/11 anymore.

  32. why is in Wicomico liquor board not being investigated ..check on it Joe... debit cards ..ball games.. football games tickets ...conflict of interest? Liquer salesman gotta make a living i guess..this fiasco needs to be elimaneted and turned over to the free market. Not state run stores.

  33. You could put a big discount liquor store in the middle of the hood and get back some of that welfare money.

  34. Stop this madness now!!!

  35. You people with your comments are out of control. I have to laugh at all of this.

  36. give liquor licenses to small Beer&Wine stores.

  37. Word around the campfire is also they are going to rehire ex-liquor inspector greg rickards to be the county recipe sampler.

  38. 9:56. You're too funny. Didn't Rickards pass way? Haven't heard thst name in years.

  39. Here is one ......norm Conway is telling his constuants "if Rick and I get re-elected we are going to build 3 more new schools!......that's the behind closed doors look at what the future is ......more 200 million dollar plus schools who will really know the real numbers ...heck their already millions over budget on Benett Middle School.....

  40. Joe, can you post this at the top of the page again today?

  41. Anonymous said...
    Stop this madness now!!!

    September 18, 2014 at 6:45 PM

    We can do that -- Elect Bob Culver and the Republican County Council candidates.

  42. Government should not be in any business . They are not qualified
    to run water. Who's gonna watch the store?

  43. While Pollitt says there is no fat in his budget, Bob Culver can give you a list of things that need to be looked at - the number of take home cars, the number of credit cards, the growth of certain departments, the purchase of equipment county can't even use...the list goes on. Current regime is a disgrace. We need someone who has the spine to make hard choices, Pollitt is a weakling and a panderer and needs to go.

    If you stay home in November and don't vote, it will work to Pollitt's advantage. Be sure you vote for Culver and take your neighbors too. Wicomico is circling the drain and Culver is our only hope at this point.

  44. I don't care where Wicomico County opens new beer/wine/liquor stores, I'll still be going to Delmar Liquors even that I have to travel further. I refuse the pay the 9% Maryland alcohol tax....

  45. September 18, 2014 at 1:11 PM,

    That's just what the hell we need here on the Shore, more environmentalists wanting to steal land and water rights and force ridiculous EPA notions upon us.


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