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Thursday, September 18, 2014

Breaking News: Congress Approves Mission To Train, Arm Syrian Rebels

WASHINGTON – The Senate gave final approval on Thursday to President Obama’s plan to train and arm Syrian rebels, endorsing a key plank of the president's strategy for taking on the Islamic State.

The Senate, in a 78-22 vote, authorized the mission as part of a must-pass, stopgap spending bill to keep government agencies operating into December.

The House passed a similar measure on Wednesday 273-156, with Republicans backing the president’s measure by more than a 2-1 margin.

The leaders of both parties stood with Obama despite questions they had about his plan to arm moderate rebel groups and warnings that the plan could backfire or not be strong enough to make much of a difference as Islamic States forces try to advance in the country.



  1. I wonder. How long will we here that we are equipping rebel forces? How long will it will be before someone else is "arming rebel forces"? Now, we are told that OUR kids will become the sacrificial lambs to the tune of 3000 to try to halt global disease. We should die so that the people whose governments have not implemented sickness prevention can live? Are we nuts to what?

  2. you watch---after arming these people, they will turn around next year and use them against us. Either nuke Syria, Iran, and Northern Iraq (home of ISIS) or get the hell out and stay out.


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