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Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Baltimore Police Suspend Officer Who Punched Man

The Baltimore police commissioner announced Tuesday that he has suspended an officer with pay after a months-old video was made public showing the officer repeatedly punching a man outside a liquor store before arresting him.

Anthony Batts said Vincent Cosom was placed on leave Monday, the same day Kollin Truss, 32, filed a $5 million lawsuit against the officer alleging assault, battery, and other damage in his June 15 arrest.

Batts said he was "shocked, outraged and disgusted" by the footage.

"Nothing I saw on that video is defensible," Batts said, "and most importantly, it's unacceptable and will not be tolerated within this organization."



  1. I am outraged! Why just use fists? Break out a club, or butt end of a shotgun.

  2. So they give him a PAID vacation??? Unbelievable...

  3. Paid leave, are you kidding? He, the cop is laughing all the way to the bank! I'll even bet his union will supply him with an attorney! The video speaks for itself what is their to investigate? Do the right thing and fire him, he is a liability to the city!


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