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Friday, September 26, 2014

Annoying? But profitable

For most area residents, the distinct sound of the H2O International rolling into town this week is somewhere between a Whoopee Cushion and a bagpiper with a respiratory infection.

But for an increasing number of local businesses, the VW- and Audi-centric car show is the sound of cash hitting the drawer.

And for the Ocean City Police Department, it’s the crisp sound of traffic violations being torn out of ticket books.

“I know a lot of people don’t like it and the town officials want to keep their distance,” said Jeff Burton, General Manager of the 45th Street Village, whose parking lot has long been a de-facto congregation during the week leading up to the show.



  1. Pulling cars over for excessive camber, don't tell me we don't live in a police state. What a crock.

  2. Sometimes I think this town would welcome an Al Queda convention if it put enough " heads in beds"


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