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Tuesday, September 09, 2014

Americans fret about mystery virus and illegal kids

Limbaugh: Is illness tied to Obama's release of immigrant children all over U.S.?

Just weeks after the Obama administration let more than 37,000 illegal-alien children into the U.S. without health screening, more than 1,000 kids across 10 states have been stricken with a respiratory virus – prompting widespread concerns about a major outbreak sweeping across the nation.

On his Monday show, talk-radio host Rush Limbaugh explored the possibility of a link between the flood of illegal aliens and the spread of a severe and rare respiratory virus known as Enterovirus D68, or EV-D68.

“Obama will not tell anybody where all of the children that have crossed the border in the last four months have been relocated to,” Limbaugh said.

“There are a bunch of people who want to know. We had these kids cross the border from El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua, wherever they came from in Central America, and they were processed real quickly. They were gotten in, gotten out, and they’ve been distributed all over the country. And Obama won’t tell anybody where he put ‘em. … The regime will not announce where they are.”



  1. I blame the Republicans for not exposing Obama and backing into him. We have immigration laws in this Country and Obama does whatever he wants. It's time for a strong Republican to come forth.

  2. Yes they are linked and I will tell you this...

    We will have martial law through an outbreak if not when the dollar collapses...

    it will be this respiratory virus thing or ebola...

    It is kind of funny who obama changed some laws that bush passed that extended to viruses and illnesses as a means to call in martial law...

    And isn't funny how we are having a small outbreak?

    1. Thank the muslim sypathizer president.

  3. Americans should be literally up in arms marching on the white house over this threat to their childrens' health, but nobody seems to care.

  4. You all are crazy. It's just a matter of washing your hands with SOAP and WATER. Most people do't wash their hands before they eat their breakfast, lunch or dinner. You guys blow your nose in restaurants after eating your meal. Afterwards, you eat your dessert w/o washing your hand. You clear your throat with your mouth open. You sneeze in you hand, You cough with you mouth open. You people act like nothing will happen to you. You're just nasty people. Just wash your hands.

    1. I am guessing you don't have kids, otherwise you would realize how stupid you sound

  5. And I have to show proof of vaccinations to exit and return to this country??

  6. And I must show proof of vaccinations to leave and return to this country??


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