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Tuesday, September 02, 2014

'American forces are on the ground here': Kurds claim US commandos ARE fighting ISIS with them in northern Iraq, after Obama said no 'combat troops' would fight

American Special Forces commandos are on the ground fighting in northern Iraq, according to a published report, just a week after Barack Obama said that wouldn't happen during his presidency.

Even as he has authorized more than 100 target airstrikes against the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) in Iraq, Obama told the American Legion on August 26 that 'American combat troops will not be returning to fight in Iraq.'

'I will not allow the United States to be dragged back into another ground war in Iraq,' he said, adding later that 'the answer' to ISIS 'is not to send in large-scale military deployments that overstretch our military.'

His parsing of words – 'combat troops' and 'large-scale' – now seem calculated to produce platoon-sized loopholes.



  1. These people are chopping off heads, I hope we do have boots on the ground and root out those maggots. Any real strategy would be stupid to announce it. Covert is OK by me for things like this.

  2. When will people wake up. Obama's middle name is Liar.

  3. So media are you ready now to get on board for all out eliminantion of these demons?? Your progressive ideals have caused this problem...

  4. The US funded ISIS while they were in Syria. This was the funding provided through Lybia.

    Now they are our enemy.

  5. If Obama said no troops on the ground there are probably troops on the ground. He lies about everything.

  6. Remember to soak the bullets in pigs blood ..then throw ham or bacon wrapped grenades to finish them off..so .they can all burn in hell with their true God

  7. They have been doing this for 3000 years. We are there for oil. We have our own oil.

    BLING! Let them kill each other off while we pump our own oil, then when they are all killed off, we'll have theirs as well! We even have nukes to donate towards the cause!

    Boom! A glass plate!

  8. Imagine what they could do (the Feds) with total authority over every stream, ditch, canal, pond, lake, etc., in the USA.
    For the lemmings and non-thinking sheep, that means YOUR stream too.
    That also spells the end of any "private property" notions any of the cheering crowds might hold.
    But keep cheering anyway. ESPECIALLY all the politicians you have voted for and who will be voting FOR this.
    You must be so proud.


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