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Saturday, September 20, 2014

A Viewer Writes: "Its working "

Your tax dollars posts are starting to work. We received an email this week telling us no more gift cards. We were told that we would have to pay taxes on them if they were given. They decided just not to give them anymore. Keep up the good work. 

Also, the special ED kids at WIHI also lost their food fundraiser due to the new food rules. I was told that they raised $25000 for their program that will be lost this year. Our after school concession stand will lose much more than that which helped fund many after school activities. Obama is hurting us bad.


  1. For that food program, just make mini muffins or whatever--each would be under 200 calories, and you could keep the program

  2. Now lets do something about charge cards.

  3. I can't believe the The Special Ed at WIHI lost their food program, my daughter was in the class years ago,and they looked forward to that. It make them feel special. Take it away from the school boards salary instead of these kids!

  4. 12:12 It's the Fed government school nutritional requirements (thanks to Michelle O) that have taken away the program not funding.

  5. 25000 is a lot to lose! How in Heaven's name did you lose 25000?

  6. I'm with 12:12. Board spends humongous amts. on lunches for themselves!

  7. What "food rules" are you talking about?
    P.S. I don't have kids in school, so I really have no idea.

  8. There is a limit on salt, sugar, and fat content.

  9. 4:28 Please read Joe's post from 8:30 PM yesterday entitled "Special Ed Kids' Food Cart Is Latest Casualty Of Federal Calorie Counts" then you will understand.

    Joe takes the time to post these for a reason.

    PS. I don't have children either but thankfully this blog keeps me informed about a lot of subjects without me having to do the searching myself.

    PPS. Thanks for the blog Mr. Albero.


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