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Sunday, September 21, 2014

A Letter To The Editor 9-17-14


As you are well aware, I am a frequent contributor to your posts with regard to educational matters. I am quite dismayed by the recent rash of new liberties and abuses I have read about with regard to the Wicomico County Board of Education. The financial particulars are just staggering and coupled with the current testing particulars; we are collectively doing nothing but raising children to be automatons. I can no longer do anything about the first item; however, I can be of service on the second. You see, testing is somewhat of an unknown process to the public. They trust the school system to educate their children. When that trust is broken, as I believe it has been, then it is up to those of us with knowledge of the process to rectify the situation. Specifically I am speaking about the Maryland State Assessments (MSA’s) and the State buy in to the Common Core Standards. Bear with me, as I will attempt to be as succinct as possible, but this is lengthy. First, parents may exempt their children from taking the MSA exams. This is a secret in educational circles, as it would most definitely bankrupt the testing companies and ruin quite a few corrupt careers in public education, including many right here in Wicomico County. In short, a parent of a child in a testing grade provides a letter (attached) and sends it to the school Principal. The Principal will review and copy this, placing said copy in the child’s file and forward it to his/her supervisor who will review it as well. It will be passed up the chain of command to Assistant Superintendent Margo Handy, who will advise the Superintendent, the esteemed (sic) Dr. Freddy. If there are only a very few letters, the Principals will be instructed to respond with a form letter generated by the testing office and from my experience, the matter will be quietly placed away on a back shelf to collect dust. You see, this is the Wicomico Way – don’t draw attention to it, and it will most likely go away on its own. However, if large numbers of letters begin pouring into school offices, a general panic will ensue – here’s why: The State Superintendent EXPECTS that Dr. Freddy play nice and put all of the children in the box – the testing box that is. As the state transitions form MSA to Common Core (which the governor signed off on along with the state superintendent) there will be significant pressure to get his ducks in a row down here on the shore. Now, in laymen’s terms, “significant” amounts to just enough refusals to test to completely INVALIDATE the tests (25% would certainly do it, but 50% or more would just blow the curve). This would most definitely require the Superintendent and the senior leadership to answer to this, most likely at a private meeting in Baltimore. Believe me when I tell you that no county wants to be the first to receive this sort of black eye. Couple that with the upcoming Common Core tests that are expected to blindly be implemented, consider the following:

The process by which the common core was developed and adopted was not a democratic one:

There were exactly 27 people in two work groups involved – their affiliations are: ACT (6), the College Board (6) Achieve Inc. (8), Student Achievement Partners (2), and America’s Choice (2). Only three participants were outside of those five organizations. There was only one classroom teacher involved to review math standards.

There were also just over 10,000 comments submitted to the constructors of the Common Core, but only 24 of the responses were quoted, and we’re left to take these folks at their word that all of the rest of the comments were positive and supportive.

Now, here is the really scary truth – the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation is funding this – that is because it is illegal for the government to do so:

Public Law 103-33, General Education Provisions Act, sec 432, reads as follows:

No provision of any applicable program shall be construed to authorize any department, agency, officer, or employee of the United States to exercise any direction, supervision, or control over the curriculum, program of instruction, (or) administration…of any educational institution…or over the selection of library resources, textbooks, or other printed or published instructional materials…

Essentially, big government and private industry are driving this to make money – period

The Common Core tests are developmentally INAPPROPRIATE – a joint statement was released by Early Childhood and Education Professionals – over 500 recognized experts in the field – their summary statement included these concerns:

Such standards will lead to long hours of instruction in literacy and math
They will lead to inappropriate standardized testing
Didactic instruction and testing will crowd out other important areas of learning
There is little evidence that such standards for young children lead to later success

Hmmmm….government sanctioned and run, forced down the throats of states with the lure of money (and severe pressure and punishment if they are not compliant) big business footing the bill to avoid legal problems and over 500 experts stating publicly and quite loudly that that there is both no educational benefit and the practice of testing actually is very harmful to children. Of course, the Wicomico County Board of Education is VERY supportive of this – they tout all of the great things the Common Core is supposed to do – level the playing field, close the achievement gap, etc. – all not true – the Common Core is very definitely slanted toward the middle/upper class white students – Special needs students, students with second language concerns and the impoverished will all NOT benefit from this...despite what the President says it will do (or his Ed Mouthpiece, Arne Duncan)

So Joe, what are families to do? It’s simple – I have provided a form letter from “United Opt Out” (unitedoptout.com) for parents to use as a template if they wish. They send in the letters and essentially shut down the MSA in Wicomico County. When the Common Core arrives, they continue to do the same, year after year. The local big wigs at 101 Long Avenue will have a hissy/conniption fit trying to figure out a way to lie their way out of this and keep their jobs.



My Child, (XXX), is in (xx) grade at (School Name). I am writing to inform you that I refuse to have (XXX) take part in the MSA’s, DIBELS, PARCC, MAP or any other form of high stakes standardized testing during the 2014-2015 school year.  My son/daughter loves being at (School Name) because of the vibrant and supportive community created in the school, and the love and dedication shown by each of the faculty.  We support the school, and we appreciate being active members of this learning community.  I do not believe that the increasing pressure on children and teachers to participate in high stakes standardized testing either reflects or supports the school, its teachers, its students or its vision for public education.Ten years of research and analysis by academic experts working at universities from Penn State to Harvard conclusively prove that high stakes tests like the MSA testing harms children, undermines and restricts curricula, and punishes schools that serve the most vulnerable members of our society – children with special needs and children in poverty.Additionally, participating in these tests 1) negatively affects my child’s social-emotional well-being, 2) kills his/her curiosity and love for learning, 3) places developmentally inappropriate and undue and unhealthy stress on him/her 4)reduces his capacity for attaining new knowledge, 5) replaces his/her higher order thinking with a “drill and kill” curriculum, 6) diminishes opportunities for socialization, 7)shares large volumes of my child’s private information to data collection agencies, data which I choose not to share beyond his school, and 8) diverts funding that could go to fund programs in my child’s school to testing companies and publishing companies.

According to the U.S. Constitution, specifically the 14th Amendment, parental rights are broadly protected by Supreme Court decisions (Meyer and Pierce), especially in the area of education. The Supreme Court has repeatedly held that parents possess the “fundamental right” to “direct the upbringing and education of their children.” Furthermore, the Court declared that “the child is not the mere creature of the State: those who nurture him and direct his destiny have the right coupled with the high duty to recognize and prepare him for additional obligations.” (Pierce v. Society of Sisters, 269 U.S. 510, 534-35) The Supreme Court criticized a state legislature for trying to interfere “with the power of parents to control the education of their own. (Meyer v. Nebraska, 262 U.S. 390, 402.) In Meyer, the Supreme Court held that the right of parents to raise their children free from unreasonable state interferences is one of the unwritten “liberties”protected by the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. (262 U.S. 399). In recognition of both the right and responsibility of parents to control their children’s education, the Court has stated, “It is cardinal with us the custody, care and nurture of the child reside first in the parents, whose primary function and freedom include preparation for the obligations the State can neither supply nor hinder.”(Prince v. Massachusetts, 321 U.S. 158)
I have the highest confidence in the (school name) teachers, and their professional abilities to determine (XXX’s) levels of proficiency in any content area using alternative forms of assessment. In lieu of the high stakes standardized tests I request that my child be given alternative forms of assessment to include, but not limited to, teacher – made assessments, projects, and portfolio, to be determined at the discretion of (XXX’s) teachers. During testing periods (XXX) will continue to attend school, as is his legal Constitutional right to do, and will participate in any activities or assignments deemed appropriate by his/her teacher and the school administrators.
We are looking forward to a positive and successful school year for him. (XXX) has a joy of learning and innate curiosity. I believe in preserving that joy and curiosity for him/her, and to support his love for his teachers and his interest in school by taking the action.
Parent’s names


  1. A truly ignorant post. My kid is receiving an excellent education in our Wicomico County public school system. Common Core has been made a bogey man by idiots just like the author of this post.

  2. It has been many years since any child received a good and well rounded education in the public school system in Wicomico County. I graduated almost 2 decades ago and am appalled at what they pass off as a graduate these days. The lack of intelligence, respect, self worth and usable skills is deplorable. I moved to Delaware to raise my children but sadly, they took on common core as well and the classwork reflects the ridiculousness of it all. The government has stepped into the middle of our families because they think they know better. It isn't working, they make money and our children pay the price for their greed and ignorance. This post is articulate, logical and easily verifiable. Obviously someone who wasn't drowned in Common Core nonsense.


  3. Sheep say Bahhh, Bahhh, and the liberals get rich

  4. Anyway you look at it, be it now or 30 or more years ago, for good or for bad, one of Public School's main functions is to get people to a point that they can function in society. At this point the Public Schools are doing a terrible job of it and its mainly due to political BS. To many people want numbers that look good instead of numbers that are factual with which they can make informed decisions. The level of education has dropped significantly. Critical thinking is no longer a main focus and is being replaced with obedience and conformity. Anything deemed anti-authoritarian or offensive to someone is quickly stamped out.

    The only thing a parent can do is be involved and teach these lessons on your own. Because the schools will not bother and the kids will not figure this out on their own.

  5. 9:26 Kids have not got a good education in Wicomico County or any other public school in 30 years. Kids are graduating from high school and they don't know how to read or write. Kids are graduating from Salisbury University and can't take 10% of $10.00 without a calculator. They have not even been teaching kids cursive writing which I started learning in the second grade. You are probably a young parent and got the same dumbed down education your kids are getting so you see nothing wrong. As long as you see their grades are average and they move onto the next grade you think they are getting a good education. It is sad to see these high school kids running cash registers and cannot do simple math. They throw your change at you because they don't know how to count it out to you. Like your purchase is $1.50 and you give them $5.00. They should say and fifty cent is two, three, four, five. And God help them if you give them the change after they have rung you up. Because all they know is what the machine tells them to give you back. Sorry but you have been conned by the government and don't even know it. Probably a low information voter that is a liberal Dumb ocrat.

  6. You have Common Core because certain subgroups weren't achieving before NCLB and didn't do any better with NCLB. Still not sure why everything has to be thrown out because these groups can't or won't learn. Why not just find something appropriate to teach those who resist being educating?

  7. An excellent education in Wicomico County? What a load of crap! I graduated from Wicomico High School 11 years ago. I didn't start going to public school until 10th grade. When I arrived at WiHi, as it's so aptly named, I was far ahead of my peers. I passed with flying colors while sleeping through classes and not doing homework. I had to help teach students in my senior English class because the teacher herself hardly knew how to complete sentences! I am pregnant now with my first child, and I guarantee you that they will not attend a Wicomico County school.

  8. My grand daughter will be home schooled. Problem solved.

  9. very wise 11:34...
    9:26 and others that have been deceived, wake-up from your slumber.

    11:31 spot on.

    great post. good info. keep speaking the truth to power. don't give up. continue to expose this farce.

    parents that continue to allow their children to be taught in the common core system will be sorry but it will be too late. your children will suffer and you should be ashamed.

  10. Maybe you or your kids aren't getting a good education in the Wicomico County Schools. That said it's more likely than not it's due to you or your kids inability to receive the education that is being offered. You see education comes from self motivation and hard work. My kid works hard and has been is AP or GATE classes for many years. They are getting a good education as well as good grades. Pretty sure if your kid isn't getting a good education it's due to YOU. Take some responsibility for your kids education....or not. Someone will always be needed to fill our order at McDonald's.

  11. Great to see Paladin back. Paladin, if you have time, would you re-explain what school systems are doing to manipulate statistics so no schools will be deemed persistently violent.

  12. Definitely a farce. A 1975 grad of Wi Hi. A grad from UMES. Over 50 now. Lost job, denied unemployment insurance and still currently unemployed. On food stamps. The bottom line is, it's not what you know, it is who you know.

  13. Alot of talk of secrecy, signed with a pseudonym.

  14. GATE used to be for the 5% of kids who are actually academically gifted. Wicomico puts about 60% of kids in those classes. Those who truly qualify sit and wait for the teacher to try to explain simple concepts to those who have no business in the class. Failing the deficient will not happen, because of political correctness. Same scenario with AP classes. What is wrong with having standards?

  15. A good education in Wicomico county was thrown out the window with the stupid NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND program! If you can't pass your classes it was ok because you would not FAIL you would be SHOVED through! Guess what those that were shoved through are now the ones working! Wonder why we have soo many problems with STUPID people in this county! GREAT JOB WICOMICO COUNTY!!!!

  16. Common core = common stupidity ! Let me pose a hypothetical question here. Let's just say thousands of people are in some sort of danger that can be adverted in 30 seconds. The only way these people can be saved is by solving this simple math problem (26+17=) . now who would you want to save these people? The person who was taught basic math that can add this up in 5 or 10 seconds or the person who is using common core technics who has to do this to come up with the same answer ( this was taken from a common core homework work sheet)

    Add 26+17 breaking apart numbers to make a ten.
    Use a number that adds with the 6 in 26 to make a 10.
    Since 6+4=10 use 4.
    Think 17=4+13.
    Add 26+4=30.
    Add 30+13=43.
    So, 26+17=43.

    Common core math has been proven to be 330% more work to obtain the same answer. That's even if you can understand it enough to use it. Now you tell me who would you want doing the addition for these people in danger? If you ask me. Give me the guy using common sense not common core.

  17. Getting kids in advanced classes is simple, but getting them qualified to be in them is another story. The appearance of rigor is what we care about.

  18. I think a good measure of upper level classes is to see houw many take the AP classes.. then at end of year take and pass the AP exam to get college credit.

  19. Schools in Maryland no longer give the MSA. No need to opt out of a test that isn't being given.

  20. If you cant pass the test just do a bridge project. Every one get a trophy.

  21. 11:10 I agree,the public schools are dumbing down more every year because they can't have failing students or they lose out on grant money!An A student in our public schools might get C's at most private schools.

  22. Have Gun Will Travel.

  23. Good afternoon Anon 12:36 p.m. - the link you are looking for is at:

    WCBOE Discipline posted 1/31/2012 at - http://sbynews.blogspot.com/2012/01/wcboe-discipline.html

    At this time I have no further information about the process or program currently used as I am quite sure it had been changed, however the process piece is still correct to the best of my knowledge.

    To Anon 8:15 p.m., you are quite correct about MSA no longer being in use, however the submission notes Common Core and other exams.


  24. Oh yea, quess what? Wicomico County no longer has an attendance policy...students can have 20, 30, 40, even 50 or more unexcused absences and still be shuffled off to the next grade: Freddy has to be sure the numbers look good at the end of the year...college and career readiness??? Maybe if your career is at the central office

  25. Of course, the Wicomico County Board of Education is VERY supportive of this – they tout all of the great things the Common Core is supposed to do

    Are you referring to the appointed board of education members or the employees at the board office?

  26. Dr. Freddy and Margo Handy try to camouflage this crap and call it Maryland's College and Career-Ready Standards.

    It is Common Core and no one in Wicomico County is complaining about it so the keep getting away with forcing Common Core down our throats by calling it Maryland's College and Career-Ready Standards.

  27. Can someone please explain to us why schools are not teaching our kids cursive writing any more?

    Guess what? They can't even sign a document these days because they can only print.

    Since they can't sign legal documents are they illegal then?

  28. I bet no one has the balls to go to the next BOE meeting and ask them publically why they are not teaching cursive writing any more?


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