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Sunday, September 07, 2014

A Gunman Would Be Stopped in His Tracks by This Teacher’s Simple Invention

After the massacre at Sandy Hook, seventh-grade teacher Celisa Edwards began obsessing over how to keep her students safe.Now she’s created a safety tool to stop them from getting in.
“I tossed and turned night after night and it came to my mind. It’s simple,” she said. “Just make it so they can’t get in.”

Edwards designed the Portable Affordable Lockdown System, also known as PALS. Running for about $70, it’s a steel rope encased in plastic that can be placed on a door handle and latched to the eye bolt of a classroom wall, according to WGCL.

She said it’s possible for school staff to secure a door in just seconds to keep an intruder from entering.

“I want this to be in every single school or classroom in America because it’s the only thing that’s quick and easy,” Edwards told the Gwinnett Daily Post. “Is it bulletproof? I don’t know. I know it’s better than a file cabinet and a desk. It’s better than putting myself and my children at risk.”



  1. A teacher that can think A really good idea. She will be fired and a 20 year study on the safety of her idea cost billions.

  2. More actual teachers need to chime in on the pros and cons of this one.It looks like a great idea to someone like me,but I'm not a teacher.

  3. On the positive side, it's a good idea.
    The sad reality is that something like this is needed at all these days.
    Anyone else remember when the worst thing that could happen in grade school is getting caught passing notes or throwing spitballs, then being sent to the principal's office?
    How did society ever get from that point to now prepping for an intruder with an AK47 that wants to kill you in your classroom?
    Times have certainly changed.

  4. They will say that child can be injured by it. Or that a student will use it to lock the teacher out. Kids will always find another use for it besides the intended one.

  5. This is not needed at all . We are raising our children without religion , no religion= crime.
    We don't punish criminals now-a-days.
    Anyway , if someone wants to get in that classroom , it will happen .

  6. The teacher will be in for a rude awakening when MOSHA, OSHA, come-in and informs her that it doesn't comply with the ADA -(American Disability Standards). Also, it is in violation with NFPA's accessibility standards. And I am not making this stuff up.

  7. Oh yeah, it probably violates the fire code, too.

  8. False hopes!
    Just how muck force will that Chinese made door knob hold?

  9. In this world today...find out what works for you....keep your mouth shut and just use it if you need it. It is as simple as that.

  10. 10:20AM, perfect observation and you've nailed it. And, it's probably good advice for the rest of us, too. I, for one, live by it.

  11. a gun man will breach that door's window in 1 second... the door knob shot away next and the only thing that will stop a bad person with a gun, is a good person with a gun.

    any teacher hiding her kids instead of getting them out is just kidding herself. learn to shoot, carry for protection, and save the day when necessary.

    we cannot rely on anyone else to protect us.

    tom t

  12. Sandy Hook was not real.. But nice invention

  13. Can you find a way to eliminate Liberals?

  14. It makes too much sense, so it will never happen.

  15. Or you can just buy a deadbolt....

  16. 8/1, 2:57

    You disgust me. I wish we could round all of you loons up and ship you out to sea.

  17. This is about the third 'invention' I have seen for a school door. This one doesn't seem to secure to me, but whatever. At least the big bad gunperson will know someone is in that room now since it couldn't be put on otherwise.

  18. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    8/1, 2:57

    You disgust me. I wish we could round all of you loons up and ship you out to sea.

    September 7, 2014 at 9:23 AM

    Why can't you just live and let live? Imposing one's will on another is how wars get started.


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