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Sunday, September 07, 2014

90 city schools failed to pass a single black or Hispanic student on state tests, study shows

While black and Hispanic students did better on the math and reading exams this year compared with 2013, the achievement gap still worsened, since white and Asian kids saw bigger increases. Families for Excellent Schools CEO Jeremiah Kittredge said the findings should shock the city Education Department into taking better steps to help struggling kids.

Black and Hispanic kids saw better scores on this year’s tests comp­ared with 2013, but the racial achievement gap widened anyway, an analysis shows.

Dozens of public schools across the city failed to pass even a single black or Hispanic student on this year’s state math or reading exams, a new analysis shows.

Pro-charter school group Families for Excellent Schools found no black or Hispanic kids passed the standardized tests — based on the more stringent Common Core standards — at 90 schools with diverse student bodies.

Families for Excellent Schools CEO Jeremiah Kittredge said the study’s findings should shock the city Education Department into taking fresh action to help struggling students.

“It’s time for bold and transformational change,” said Kittredge. “We need to acknowledge that this is not the fault of children — it’s the fault of our system.”



  1. A combination Bell curve and English comprehension problem.

  2. Blame the test, lol

  3. Yet another triumph for the politically correct. But, not to fear, Common Core will remedy it. (tongue firmly in cheek)

  4. It's not the fault of the kids, but it may be the ability of the kids. Wicomico County gave ability tests to second graders. The results were dismal, but teachers still get blamed when certain groups of low ability students don't show average achievement.

  5. So common core isn't going to work either.

    What we need is for human beings to interact with younger human beings on a personal level in order to convey to them what they will need to know for their future lives.

    But, that would be illegal today.

    So, who is the idiot in the room, now?

  6. Education Department spokeswoman Devora Kaye said: “We are committed to ensuring that all students, regardless of ethnicity or background, receive a high-quality education.”

    Uh, yeah. Good work. Pizza for everyone.

  7. The schools didn't fail to pass students, the students failed to pass the tests. And now everyone on those schools will suffer for those that don't care.

  8. Government Schools = New programs to experiment on our children have been going on for years, to NO avail. Schools are still failing and we are lagging around the world in all areas.

    The Government, Unions, and School Admins say "blah, blah, blah, and we need more money." WHATEVER...

  9. Thats ok McDonald's is awaiting them.

  10. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink.

  11. Try having two parents in the house, with a job, and some concern for whether or not your kids have actually done their homework. Not too many kids ever make to the NFL, or the NBA.
    Setting an good example is THE VERY BEST THING a parent can do.
    Some cultures do it better than others.
    And it shows.

  12. Modern schools: Kids with low ability, no interest in ever holding a job, poor attendance, no home support, bad behavior, but their lack of achievement is the fault of the miracle workers. I mean teachers.

  13. Anonymous said...
    It's not the fault of the kids, but it may be the ability of the kids. Wicomico County gave ability tests to second graders. The results were dismal, but teachers still get blamed when certain groups of low ability students don't show average achievement.

    September 2, 2014 at 9:22 PM

    No Dummy it is the fault of the kids. It is also the fault of the parents and you ignorant Democrats.

  14. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Government Schools = New programs to experiment on our children have been going on for years, to NO avail. Schools are still failing and we are lagging around the world in all areas.

    The Government, Unions, and School Admins say "blah, blah, blah, and we need more money." WHATEVER...

    September 2, 2014 at 10:06 PM


    And that more money is for their pay raise and new cars.

    John Fredericksen makes nearly $200,000 per year. Thank you stupid Democrats, Thank you!!

  15. 1:09, the person wrote it is not the FAULT of the kids if their ability is low. Not sure how you can disagree with that or make it an issue of the Democrats. You can't blame the kids but parents who contribute nothing to society should stop contributing more kids.

  16. How quickly we forget , " how long does it take a vehicle traveling at 80 miles per hour to go 80 miles."


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