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Thursday, September 25, 2014

9% Of Americans Are Bad People, Think It’s OK To Use Phone At Movies


If you’re reading this in your office or on the train, take a second to look around you. About 1-in-10 of the people you see are horrible human beings who think it’s okay to use their phones during a movie. And if you’re reading this at the movie theater, there’s a good chance you’re one of these people.

This is according to a survey about appropriate cellphone use from The Street, which found that 9% of Americans are perfectly fine with texting, Tweeting, or gabbing away in a movie theater while the movie is playing.

You might argue that this is a small number of people, but let’s consider the math. Last weekend’s top box-office earner was The Maze Runner, which took in around $32 million. With the national average for movie tickets hovering near the $8 mark, that means approximately 4 million people paid to see just that one movie over the weekend.



  1. At least it's Nice to know that 91% of us are Good people.

  2. I stick with online. You can watch New movies weeks before they're released here. Free, no one talking, and cheap eats.

  3. Did'nt an ex police chief shoot somebody for texting during a movie?

  4. Yes, but they deserved being shot.

  5. If I'm paying for a movie ticket I feel that I can damn well use my phone as I wish especially if I have an emergency incoming call. Tell me I can't!

  6. 9:53 has it right. If you want to watch a movie in " peace and quiet" then wait for the DVD and watch it at home.


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