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Thursday, September 04, 2014

57,000 Businesses Fight Back, Post ‘Guns Welcome’ Signs On Front Door

Despite Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America's ongoing push to shame businesses into banning guns in their stores, 57,000 businesses have posted "guns welcome" or similar signs on their front doors.

Moms Demand has persuaded just five businesses -- Target, Chipotle, Jack in the Box, Chili's, and Sonic -- to ask customers to leave their guns at home. They were also able to pressure a sixth business, Starbucks, into asking open carry practitioners not to be so flamboyant about visibly carrying guns in their stores.

That's a total of six businesses, which is 56,994 less than the current total of those who are embracing guns in their bars, restaurants and other businesses.



  1. I remember walking into a restaurant/bar in Rim Rock Arizona back in the 70's and seeing a sign saying "Please Check Your Guns Before Entering". How times have changed thanks to political correctness and government intrusion.

  2. It's just a sign. It can't hurt you, just ignore it. Nobody will know but me unless the poop hits the fan.

  3. I love it here in Northern Virginia, I got to Staples, see people wearing guns, go to Texas Roadhouse, see guys wearing guns. Go to Wal-Mart, see folks wearing guns, so nice to feel safe, because the thugs have no clue who is carrying or not! And, yes I see some of the guns because the butts are showing under a shirt, or I notice the bulge in a shirt.
    As Thomas Jefferson said, "An armed society is a polite society".


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