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Tuesday, September 02, 2014

1% Federal Pay Increase

President Barack Obama calls for a 1 percent pay raise for federal employees. He tells Congress, the 1 percent employees got this year don't keep up with private sector increases. Obama also calls for locality pay differentials to stay unchanged in 2015. Unless blocked by Congress, the raise would take effect January 1st. The proposal, made as the Labor Day weekend began, drew praise from Sen. Barbara Mikulski (D-Md.), chairman of the appropriations committee.


  1. How about private sector decreases! Where are the increases? My wages have been on a downward track since this recession began back in 2008.
    If anything, they deserve nothing. In fact they should also get their wages cut in half just like the rest of us! Even that would be several times more than the average citizen.

  2. Mr. Obama. The proper English word in your statement is "doesn't, not don't. We here in America have a past tense and a plural rule. Apparently you are still speaking basketball street talk.

  3. I don't believe the problem is government employment.... the problem lies in waste fraud an abuse of government funding..every president I can remember has broken that promise in spades..increases in what the government cant do with 1 agency so they create two or more is another reason

  4. Bet SS will get more than 1%.

  5. Let's see..., 2008 I was at 80k including bennies. Today, I'm at 9k and on State bennies.

    Yeah, they deserve a raise?????????

    What am I missing here, Babs?

  6. Yet again she votes the party line. I'm certain Cardin did the same. Neither one have the sense to think on their own.

  7. My God! Can that woman still walk?

  8. Anonymous said...
    I don't believe the problem is government employment.... the problem lies in waste fraud an abuse of government funding..every president I can remember has broken that promise in spades..increases in what the government cant do with 1 agency so they create two or more is another reason

    September 2, 2014 at 6:54 PM

    The biggest cost of any budget is salaries so quit drooling over your man-love Obama.


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