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Saturday, August 02, 2014

You’ll Never Believe Why Hillary Said Hamas Plants Its Bombs in Schools

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who many believe will seek to be the Democrat nominee for president in 2016, made a statement about the tactics of the terrorist group Hamas in their fight against Israel.

Hamas has been widely criticized for using women and children as shields in their bombings. They have also drawn criticism for storing their rockets and missiles in civilian areas, including schools and hospitals. This practice has led many to attack Israel for their response to Hamas in attacking these areas, though they have no choice since Hamas put their own people in harm’s way.

During a recent interview with Jorge Ramos on Fusion TV, Hillary Clinton addressed the issue of Hamas storing their missiles and rockets in these civilian areas.

The problem is, and this is something — I’m not a military planner, but Hamas puts its missiles, its rockets in civilian areas, part of it is is that Gaza’s pretty small and its densely populated. They put their command and control of Hamas military leaders in those civilian areas.

Gaza is pretty small. That is Hillary Clinton’s excuse and rationale for the Hamas terrorists putting civilians in harms way.



  1. "I’m not a military planner...", but I want to be your Commander in Chief!

    Yeahright, Hillarious!

  2. This idiot is WORSE than Ovomit.

  3. Oh my god - and there are people out there who are anxious to vote for this tool. I've already seen 'Hillary' stickers around Salisbury. Freaking morons.

  4. This is really sad. But, Democrats will vote for her anyway because Democrats are morons.

  5. OK... NOW I understand warfare.
    The Japanese should not have put so many civilians in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
    America should not have had so many civilians in the World Trade Center. That was our fault.
    Hey Palestinians... How about this: TELL YOUR NEIGHBORS TO STOP LOBBING FREAKIN' ROCKETS AT ISRAEL! If you do that, the Israelis will stop OBITERATING your neighborhood. It's that simple.
    This is all John Kerry needs to say:
    "People of Gaza: Do not let a handful of militants destroy your life. Rise up against them. Live in peace. Do this and the free world will come to your aid like nothing ever seen in the history of the world. Do this. Period."
    "Thank you."


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