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Thursday, August 28, 2014

Worcester County Lands $1M Special Ed Grant; Personnel Surprised With Announcement This Week

SNOW HILL — Worcester County Public Schools (WCPS) got a big and pleasant surprise this week when it was announced that the county will be the sole recipient of a $1 million-plus competitive grant for special education.

The 2014 Bridges for Systems Change grant will be used to buoy education for students with disabilities.

“The grant seeks to improve outcomes for children ages birth through 21 through the use of evidence-based and innovative practices to enhance student learning,” said Rae Record, supervisor of special education. “The goal is to eliminate the existing gap between students with disabilities and their non-disabled peers.”

1 comment:

  1. "While the announcement was a bombshell, the county did pay its due diligence when applying for the grant"

    Can anybody tell me where this FREE MONEY came from?


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