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Monday, August 18, 2014

While we coronated St. Mike of Ferguson, black mob violence continued in the rest of the country

While all eyes were on Ferguson, and all ears were hearing about the relentless white on black violence that is hurting so many black people around the country, black mob violence and black on white crime proceeded apace.

In Ferguson, the most hyper-racial place on earth right now, a man of unidentified race was attacked and sent to the hospital by a mob of unidentified race.Man beaten while walking dog near demonstrations in Ferguson | KMOV.com St. Louis

At first anyway. Then we learned the victim was white. And the perpetrators were black.

Please do not confuse this with the four black people in Ferguson who beat a Home Depot vendor with a hammer last summer. This is a different case.

In Okeechobee, Florida, a group of black people taunted and harassed an autistic boy, then hooted and hollered and filmed it when other black people beat him.Fla. man, 18, filmed beating 16-year-old autistic boy at party (VIDEO) – NY Daily News

In Miami, a group of black people stalk a white person then beat him, on video. Much to the delight of the accomplices. LiveLeak.com – Individuals participate in a nasty surprise NYC sidewalk attack and then post it on Facebook

In Detroit, a crowd of black people attacked police after police shot a man who tried to run them over after they saw him trying to buy a gun.Detroit police urging calm after cops shoot suspect, unruly crowd gathers | The Detroit News

In Philadelphia, a group of black people attacked and knockout out a white man who intervened when the black people were saying rude things to a group of women.Man Knocked Unconscious After Defending Group of Women From Catcallers: Police | NBC 10 Philadelphia


  1. Black folks in Ferguson, Keep those "Hands Up" and continue to shout "Don't Shoot" until justice prevail.

  2. These people dont deserve to share our air.

  3. and kops killed two black people a week on average.

  4. so what? I'm sure they were all altar boys on their way to church, right after mentoring math students! You can't get hit by the train unless you are standing on the tracks and some of these fools are so stupid they think they are invincible! less scum inhabiting our planet!

  5. 9:44 AM

    An example of the current problem in this country.

  6. A cop shooting is very rare statistics show.


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